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↔↨↑↓→← | Arrow Alt Codes (or Keyboard Shortcuts)

Using the alt code shortcut, you can type any Arrow symbol on any Windows or Mac keyboard.

To do this, press down the Alt key and type the Arrow Alt Code (i.e. 23 for ↨, 24 for ↑, 25 for ↓, 26 for →, 27 for ←, 29 for ↔) using the numeric keypad, then release the alt key.

Some of the Arrow Symbol Alt Codes are 23 (↨), 24 (↑), 25 (↓), 26 (→), 27 (←), 29 (↔).

For more arrow alt codes, skip to the next section.

Alt codes are designed for typing characters that have no dedicated key on the keyboard. You can type these characters by pressing and holding the Alt key whilst typing the character’s alt code using the numeric keypad.

If the above quick quid didn’t make sense to you, obey the step-by-step instructions below to type the N with the Tilde symbol on a Windows Keyboard using this alt code shortcut:

  • Step 1: Place your insertion pointer where you need to type the symbol.
  • Step 2: Press and hold the Alt key on your keyboard.
  • Step 3: While pressing down the Alt key, type the Arrow alt code using the numeric keypad.
  • Step 4: Release the Alt key after typing the Alt code.

Note that you must use the numeric keypad to type the alt code. You must also turn on your NumLock key to be able to use the numeric keypad. If you are using a laptop that does not have a numeric keypad, you can press Fn+NmLk keys simultaneously to turn on the hidden numeric keypad for laptops with smaller keyboards. 

This is how you may use the Alt Code method to type the Arrow symbol anywhere on your Windows PC including Microsoft Word, Excel, One Note, Sticky Note, PowerPoint, or even somewhere on your browsers like Google Docs or Word Online.

More Arrow Symbols Alt Codes

Below are some more Arrow symbols and their alt codes that you can use to type arrows in Microsoft Word.

NOTE: All the Alt Codes in the table below can only work in MS Word and nowhere else.

DescriptionsArrow Alt CodesArrow Symbols
Leftwards ArrowAlt + 8592
Upwards ArrowAlt + 8593
Rightwards ArrowAlt + 8594
Downwards ArrowAlt + 8595
Left Right Arrow EmojiAlt + 8596
Double Headed ArrowAlt + 8596
Up Down Arrow EmojiAlt + 8597
Up Left Arrow EmojiAlt + 8598
Up Right Arrow EmojiAlt + 8599
Down Right Arrow EmojiAlt + 8600
Down Left Arrow EmojiAlt + 8601
Leftwards Arrow With StrokeAlt + 8602
Rightwards Arrow With StrokeAlt + 8603
Leftwards Wave ArrowAlt + 8604
Rightwards Wave ArrowAlt + 8605
Leftwards Two Headed ArrowAlt + 8606
Upwards Two Headed ArrowAlt + 8607
Rightwards Two Headed ArrowAlt + 8608
Downwards Two Headed ArrowAlt + 8609
Leftwards Arrow With TailAlt + 8610
Rightwards Arrow With TailAlt + 8611
Leftwards Arrow From BarAlt + 8612
Upwards Arrow From BarAlt + 8613
Rightwards Arrow From BarAlt + 8614
Downwards Arrow From BarAlt + 8615
Up Down Arrow With BaseAlt + 8616
Right Arrow Curving Left EmojiAlt + 8617
Left Arrow Curving Right EmojiAlt + 8618
Leftwards Arrow With LoopAlt + 8619
Rightwards Arrow With LoopAlt + 8620
Left Right Wave ArrowAlt + 8621
Left Right Arrow With StrokeAlt + 8622
Downwards Zigzag ArrowAlt + 8623
Upwards Arrow With Tip LeftwardsAlt + 8624
Upwards Arrow With Tip RightwardsAlt + 8625
Downwards Arrow With Tip LeftwardsAlt + 8626
Downwards Arrow With Tip RightwardsAlt + 8627
Rightwards Arrow With Corner DownwardsAlt + 8628
Downwards Arrow With Corner LeftwardsAlt + 8629
Anticlockwise Top Semicircle ArrowAlt + 8630
Clockwise Top Semicircle ArrowAlt + 8631
North West Arrow To Long BarAlt + 8632
Leftwards Arrow To Bar Over Rightwards Arrow To BarAlt + 8633
Anticlockwise Open Circle ArrowAlt + 8634
Clockwise Open Circle ArrowAlt + 8635
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb UpwardsAlt + 8636
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb DownwardsAlt + 8637
Upwards Harpoon With Barb RightwardsAlt + 8638
Upwards Harpoon With Barb LeftwardsAlt + 8639
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb UpwardsAlt + 8640
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb DownwardsAlt + 8641
Downwards Harpoon With Barb RightwardsAlt + 8642
Downwards Harpoon With Barb LeftwardsAlt + 8643
Rightwards Arrow Over Leftwards ArrowAlt + 8644
Upwards Arrow Leftwards Of Downwards ArrowAlt + 8645
Leftwards Arrow Over Rightwards ArrowAlt + 8646
Leftwards Paired ArrowsAlt + 8647
Upwards Paired ArrowsAlt + 8648
Rightwards Paired ArrowsAlt + 8649
Downwards Paired ArrowsAlt + 8650
Leftwards Harpoon Over Rightwards HarpoonAlt + 8651
Rightwards Harpoon Over Leftwards HarpoonAlt + 8652
Leftwards Double Arrow With StrokeAlt + 8653
Left Right Double Arrow With StrokeAlt + 8654
Rightwards Double Arrow With StrokeAlt + 8655
Leftwards Double ArrowAlt + 8656
Upwards Double ArrowAlt + 8657
Rightwards Double ArrowAlt + 8658
Downwards Double ArrowAlt + 8659
Left Right Double ArrowAlt + 8660
Up Down Double ArrowAlt + 8661
North West Double ArrowAlt + 8662
North East Double ArrowAlt + 8663
South East Double ArrowAlt + 8664
South West Double ArrowAlt + 8665
Leftwards Triple ArrowAlt + 8666
Rightwards Triple ArrowAlt + 8667
Leftwards Squiggle ArrowAlt + 8668
Rightwards Squiggle ArrowAlt + 8669
Upwards Arrow With Double StrokeAlt + 8670
Downwards Arrow With Double StrokeAlt + 8671
Leftwards Dashed ArrowAlt + 8672
Upwards Dashed ArrowAlt + 8673
Rightwards Dashed ArrowAlt + 8674
Downwards Dashed ArrowAlt + 8675
Leftwards Arrow To BarAlt + 8676
Rightwards Arrow To BarAlt + 8677
Leftwards White ArrowAlt + 8678
Upwards White ArrowAlt + 8679
Rightwards White ArrowAlt + 8680
Downwards White ArrowAlt + 8681
Upwards White Arrow From BarAlt + 8682
Upwards White Arrow On PedestalAlt + 8683
Upwards White Arrow On Pedestal With Horizontal BarAlt + 8684
Upwards White Arrow On Pedestal With Vertical BarAlt + 8685
Upwards White Double ArrowAlt + 8686
Upwards White Double Arrow On PedestalAlt + 8687
Rightwards White Arrow From WallAlt + 8688
North West Arrow To CornerAlt + 8689
South East Arrow To CornerAlt + 8690
Up Down White ArrowAlt + 8691
Right Arrow With Small CircleAlt + 8692
Downwards Arrow Leftwards Of Upwards ArrowAlt + 8693
Three Rightwards ArrowsAlt + 8694
Leftwards Arrow With Vertical StrokeAlt + 8695
Rightwards Arrow With Vertical StrokeAlt + 8696
Left Right Arrow With Vertical StrokeAlt + 8697
Leftwards Arrow With Double Vertical StrokeAlt + 8698
Rightwards Arrow With Double Vertical StrokeAlt + 8699
Left Right Arrow With Double Vertical StrokeAlt + 8700
Leftwards Open-Headed ArrowAlt + 8701
Rightwards Open-Headed ArrowAlt + 8702
Left Right Open-Headed ArrowAlt + 8703
Horizontal Line ExtensionAlt + 9135
Vertical Line ExtensionAlt + 9168
Heavy Wide Headed Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10132
Heavy South East ArrowAlt + 10136
Heavy Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10137
Heavy North East ArrowAlt + 10138
Drafting Point Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10139
Heavy Round-Tipped Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10140
Triangle-Headed Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10141
Heavy Triangle-Headed Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10142
Dashed Triangle-Headed Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10143
Heavy Dashed Triangle-Headed Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10144
Right Arrow EmojiAlt + 10145
Three-D Top-Lighted Rightwards ArrowheadAlt + 10146
Three-D Bottom-Lighted Rightwards ArrowheadAlt + 10147
Black Rightwards ArrowheadAlt + 10148
Heavy Black Curved Downwards And Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10149
Heavy Black Curved Upwards And Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10150
Squat Black Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10151
Heavy Concave-Pointed Black Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10152
Right-Shaded White Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10153
Left-Shaded White Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10154
Back-Tilted Shadowed White Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10155
Front-Tilted Shadowed White Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10156
Heavy Lower Right-Shadowed White Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10157
Heavy Upper Right-Shadowed White Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10158
Notched Lower Right-Shadowed White Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10159
Curly LoopAlt + 10160
Notched Upper Right-Shadowed White Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10161
Circled Heavy White Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10162
White-Feathered Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10163
Black-Feathered South East ArrowAlt + 10164
Black-Feathered Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10165
Black-Feathered North East ArrowAlt + 10166
Heavy Black-Feathered South East ArrowAlt + 10167
Heavy Black-Feathered Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10168
Heavy Black-Feathered North East ArrowAlt + 10169
Teardrop-Barbed Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10170
Heavy Teardrop-Shanked Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10171
Wedge-Tailed Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10172
Heavy Wedge-Tailed Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10173
Open Outlined Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10174
Double Curly LoopAlt + 10175
Upwards Quadruple ArrowAlt + 10224
Downwards Quadruple ArrowAlt + 10225
Anticlockwise Gapped Circle ArrowAlt + 10226
Clockwise Gapped Circle ArrowAlt + 10227
Right Arrow with Circle PlusAlt + 10228
Long Leftwards ArrowAlt + 10229
Long Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10230
Long Left Right ArrowAlt + 10231
Long Leftwards Double ArrowAlt + 10232
Long Rightwards Double ArrowAlt + 10233
Long Left Right Double ArrowAlt + 10234
Long Leftwards Arrow From BarAlt + 10235
Long Rightwards Arrow From BarAlt + 10236
Long Leftwards Double Arrow From BarAlt + 10237
Long Rightwards Double Arrow From BarAlt + 10238
Long Rightwards Squiggle ArrowAlt + 10239
Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow With Vertical StrokeAlt + 10496
Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow With Double Vertical StrokeAlt + 10497
Leftwards Double Arrow With Vertical StrokeAlt + 10498
Rightwards Double Arrow With Vertical StrokeAlt + 10499
Left Right Double Arrow With Vertical StrokeAlt + 10500
Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow From BarAlt + 10501
Leftwards Double Arrow From BarAlt + 10502
Rightwards Double Arrow From BarAlt + 10503
Downwards Arrow With Horizontal StrokeAlt + 10504
Upwards Arrow With Horizontal StrokeAlt + 10505
Upwards Triple ArrowAlt + 10506
Downwards Triple ArrowAlt + 10507
Leftwards Double Dash ArrowAlt + 10508
Rightwards Double Dash ArrowAlt + 10509
Leftwards Triple Dash ArrowAlt + 10510
Rightwards Triple Dash ArrowAlt + 10511
Rightwards Two-Headed Triple Dash ArrowAlt + 10512
Rightwards Arrow With Dotted StemAlt + 10513
Upwards Arrow To BarAlt + 10514
Downwards Arrow To BarAlt + 10515
Rightwards Arrow With Tail With Vertical StrokeAlt + 10516
Rightwards Arrow With Tail With Double Vertical StrokeAlt + 10517
Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow With TailAlt + 10518
Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow With Tail With Vertical StrokeAlt + 10519
Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow With Tail With Double Vertical StrokeAlt + 10520
Leftwards Arrow-TailAlt + 10521
Rightwards Arrow-TailAlt + 10522
Leftwards Double Arrow-TailAlt + 10523
Rightwards Double Arrow-TailAlt + 10524
Leftwards Arrow To Black DiamondAlt + 10525
Rightwards Arrow To Black DiamondAlt + 10526
Leftwards Arrow From Bar To Black DiamondAlt + 10527
Rightwards Arrow From Bar To Black DiamondAlt + 10528
North West And South East ArrowAlt + 10529
North East And South West ArrowAlt + 10530
North West Arrow With HookAlt + 10531
North East Arrow With HookAlt + 10532
South East Arrow With HookAlt + 10533
South West Arrow With HookAlt + 10534
North West Arrow And North East ArrowAlt + 10535
North East Arrow And South East ArrowAlt + 10536
South East Arrow And South West ArrowAlt + 10537
South West Arrow And North West ArrowAlt + 10538
Rising Diagonal Crossing Falling DiagonalAlt + 10539
Falling Diagonal Crossing Rising DiagonalAlt + 10540
South East Arrow Crossing North East ArrowAlt + 10541
North East Arrow Crossing South East ArrowAlt + 10542
Falling Diagonal Crossing North East ArrowAlt + 10543
Rising Diagonal Crossing South East ArrowAlt + 10544
North East Arrow Crossing North West ArrowAlt + 10545
North West Arrow Crossing North East ArrowAlt + 10546
Wave Arrow Pointing Directly RightAlt + 10547
Right Arrow Curving Up EmojiAlt + 10548
Right Arrow Curving Down EmojiAlt + 10549
Arrow Pointing Downwards Then Curving LeftwardsAlt + 10550
Arrow Pointing Downwards Then Curving RightwardsAlt + 10551
Right-Side Arc Clockwise ArrowAlt + 10552
Left-Side Arc Anticlockwise ArrowAlt + 10553
Top Arc Anticlockwise ArrowAlt + 10554
Top Arc Anticlockwise ArrowAlt + 10554
Bottom Arc Anticlockwise ArrowAlt + 10555
Bottom Arc Anticlockwise ArrowAlt + 10555
Top Arc Clockwise Arrow With MinusAlt + 10556
Top Arc Clockwise Arrow With MinusAlt + 10556
Top Arc Anticlockwise Arrow With PlusAlt + 10557
Top Arc Anticlockwise Arrow With PlusAlt + 10557
Lower Right Semicircular Clockwise ArrowAlt + 10558
Lower Left Semicircular Anticlockwise ArrowAlt + 10559⤿
Anticlockwise Closed Circle ArrowAlt + 10560
Clockwise Closed Circle ArrowAlt + 10561
Rightwards Arrow Above Short Leftwards ArrowAlt + 10562
Leftwards Arrow Above Short Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10563
Short Rightwards Arrow Above Leftwards ArrowAlt + 10564
Rightwards Arrow With Plus BelowAlt + 10565
Rightwards Arrow With Plus BelowAlt + 10565
Leftwards Arrow With Plus BelowAlt + 10566
Leftwards Arrow With Plus BelowAlt + 10566
Rightwards Arrow Through XAlt + 10567
Left Right Arrow Through Small CircleAlt + 10568
Upwards Two-Headed Arrow From Small CircleAlt + 10569
Left Barb Up Right Barb Down HarpoonAlt + 10570
Left Barb Down Right Barb Up HarpoonAlt + 10571
Up Barb Right Down Barb Left HarpoonAlt + 10572
Up Barb Left Down Barb Right HarpoonAlt + 10573
Left Barb Up Right Barb Up HarpoonAlt + 10574
Up Barb Right Down Barb Right HarpoonAlt + 10575
Left Barb Down Right Barb Down HarpoonAlt + 10576
Up Barb Left Down Barb Left HarpoonAlt + 10577
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Up To BarAlt + 10578
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Up To BarAlt + 10579
Upwards Harpoon With Barb Right To BarAlt + 10580
Downwards Harpoon With Barb Right To BarAlt + 10581
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Down To BarAlt + 10582
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Down To BarAlt + 10583
Upwards Harpoon With Barb Left To BarAlt + 10584
Downwards Harpoon With Barb Left To BarAlt + 10585
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Up From BarAlt + 10586
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Up From BarAlt + 10587
Upwards Harpoon With Barb Right From BarAlt + 10588
Downwards Harpoon With Barb Right From BarAlt + 10589
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Down From BarAlt + 10590
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Down From BarAlt + 10591
Upwards Harpoon With Barb Left From BarAlt + 10592
Downwards Harpoon With Barb Left From BarAlt + 10593
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Leftwards Harpoon With Barb DownAlt + 10594
Upwards Harpoon With Barb Left Beside Upwards Harpoon With Barb RightAlt + 10595
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Rightwards Harpoon With Barb DownAlt + 10596
Downwards Harpoon With Barb Left Beside Downwards Harpoon With Barb RightAlt + 10597
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Rightwards Harpoon With Barb UpAlt + 10598
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Down Above Rightwards Harpoon With Barb DownAlt + 10599
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Leftwards Harpoon With Barb UpAlt + 10600
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Down Above Leftwards Harpoon With Barb DownAlt + 10601
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Long DashAlt + 10602
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Long DashAlt + 10602
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Down Below Long DashAlt + 10603
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Down Below Long DashAlt + 10603
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Long DashAlt + 10604
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Long DashAlt + 10604
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Down Below Long DashAlt + 10605
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Down Below Long DashAlt + 10605
Upwards Harpoon With Barb Left Beside Downwards Harpoon With Barb RightAlt + 10606
Downwards Harpoon With Barb Left Beside Upwards Harpoon With Barb RightAlt + 10607
Right Double Arrow With Rounded HeadAlt + 10608
Equals Sign Above Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10609
Tilde Operator Above Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10610
Leftwards Arrow Above Tilde OperatorAlt + 10611
Rightwards Arrow Above Tilde OperatorAlt + 10612
Rightwards Arrow Above Almost Equal ToAlt + 10613
Less-Than Above Leftwards ArrowAlt + 10614
Leftwards Arrow Through Less-ThanAlt + 10615
Greater-Than Above Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10616
Subset Above Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10617
Leftwards Arrow Through SubsetAlt + 10618
Superset Above Leftwards ArrowAlt + 10619
Left Fish TailAlt + 10620
Right Fish TailAlt + 10621
Up Fish TailAlt + 10622
Down Fish TailAlt + 10623⥿
North East White ArrowAlt + 11008
North West White ArrowAlt + 11009
South East White ArrowAlt + 11010
South West White ArrowAlt + 11011
Left Right White ArrowAlt + 11012
Left Arrow EmojiAlt + 11013
Up Arrow EmojiAlt + 11014
Down Arrow EmojiAlt + 11015
North East Black ArrowAlt + 11016
North West Black ArrowAlt + 11017
South East Black ArrowAlt + 11018
South West Black ArrowAlt + 11019
Left Right Black ArrowAlt + 11020
Up Down Black ArrowAlt + 11021
Left Arrow with Circle PlusAlt + 11058
Long Left Squiggle ArrowAlt + 11059

Arrow Symbol Alt Codes for Mac

Below are also shortcuts you can use to type these arrow symbols on your Mac keyboard:

DescriptionMac ShortcutArrow Symbols
Leftwards ArrowOption + 2190
Upwards ArrowOption + 2191
Rightwards ArrowOption + 2192
Downwards ArrowOption + 2193
Left Right Arrow EmojiOption + 2194
Double Headed ArrowOption + 2194
Up Down Arrow EmojiOption + 2195
Up Left Arrow EmojiOption + 2196
Up Right Arrow EmojiOption + 2197
Down Right Arrow EmojiOption + 2198
Down Left Arrow EmojiOption + 2199
Leftwards Arrow With StrokeOption + 219A
Rightwards Arrow With StrokeOption + 219B
Leftwards Wave ArrowOption + 219C
Rightwards Wave ArrowOption + 219D
Leftwards Two Headed ArrowOption + 219E
Upwards Two Headed ArrowOption + 219F
Rightwards Two Headed ArrowOption + 21A0
Downwards Two Headed ArrowOption + 21A1
Leftwards Arrow With TailOption + 21A2
Rightwards Arrow With TailOption + 21A3
Leftwards Arrow From BarOption + 21A4
Upwards Arrow From BarOption + 21A5
Rightwards Arrow From BarOption + 21A6
Downwards Arrow From BarOption + 21A7
Up Down Arrow With BaseOption + 21A8
Right Arrow Curving Left EmojiOption + 21A9
Left Arrow Curving Right EmojiOption + 21AA
Leftwards Arrow With LoopOption + 21AB
Rightwards Arrow With LoopOption + 21AC
Left Right Wave ArrowOption + 21AD
Left Right Arrow With StrokeOption + 21AE
Downwards Zigzag ArrowOption + 21AF
Upwards Arrow With Tip LeftwardsOption + 21B0
Upwards Arrow With Tip RightwardsOption + 21B1
Downwards Arrow With Tip LeftwardsOption + 21B2
Downwards Arrow With Tip RightwardsOption + 21B3
Rightwards Arrow With Corner DownwardsOption + 21B4
Downwards Arrow With Corner LeftwardsOption + 21B5
Anticlockwise Top Semicircle ArrowOption + 21B6
Clockwise Top Semicircle ArrowOption + 21B7
North West Arrow To Long BarOption + 21B8
Leftwards Arrow To Bar Over Rightwards Arrow To BarOption + 21B9
Anticlockwise Open Circle ArrowOption + 21BA
Clockwise Open Circle ArrowOption + 21BB
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb UpwardsOption + 21BC
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb DownwardsOption + 21BD
Upwards Harpoon With Barb RightwardsOption + 21BE
Upwards Harpoon With Barb LeftwardsOption + 21BF
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb UpwardsOption + 21C0
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb DownwardsOption + 21C1
Downwards Harpoon With Barb RightwardsOption + 21C2
Downwards Harpoon With Barb LeftwardsOption + 21C3
Rightwards Arrow Over Leftwards ArrowOption + 21C4
Upwards Arrow Leftwards Of Downwards ArrowOption + 21C5
Leftwards Arrow Over Rightwards ArrowOption + 21C6
Leftwards Paired ArrowsOption + 21C7
Upwards Paired ArrowsOption + 21C8
Rightwards Paired ArrowsOption + 21C9
Downwards Paired ArrowsOption + 21CA
Leftwards Harpoon Over Rightwards HarpoonOption + 21CB
Rightwards Harpoon Over Leftwards HarpoonOption + 21CC
Leftwards Double Arrow With StrokeOption + 21CD
Left Right Double Arrow With StrokeOption + 21CE
Rightwards Double Arrow With StrokeOption + 21CF
Leftwards Double ArrowOption + 21D0
Upwards Double ArrowOption + 21D1
Rightwards Double ArrowOption + 21D2
Downwards Double ArrowOption + 21D3
Left Right Double ArrowOption + 21D4
Up Down Double ArrowOption + 21D5
North West Double ArrowOption + 21D6
North East Double ArrowOption + 21D7
South East Double ArrowOption + 21D8
South West Double ArrowOption + 21D9
Leftwards Triple ArrowOption + 21DA
Rightwards Triple ArrowOption + 21DB
Leftwards Squiggle ArrowOption + 21DC
Rightwards Squiggle ArrowOption + 21DD
Upwards Arrow With Double StrokeOption + 21DE
Downwards Arrow With Double StrokeOption + 21DF
Leftwards Dashed ArrowOption + 21E0
Upwards Dashed ArrowOption + 21E1
Rightwards Dashed ArrowOption + 21E2
Downwards Dashed ArrowOption + 21E3
Leftwards Arrow To BarOption + 21E4
Rightwards Arrow To BarOption + 21E5
Leftwards White ArrowOption + 21E6
Upwards White ArrowOption + 21E7
Rightwards White ArrowOption + 21E8
Downwards White ArrowOption + 21E9
Upwards White Arrow From BarOption + 21EA
Upwards White Arrow On PedestalOption + 21EB
Upwards White Arrow On Pedestal With Horizontal BarOption + 21EC
Upwards White Arrow On Pedestal With Vertical BarOption + 21ED
Upwards White Double ArrowOption + 21EE
Upwards White Double Arrow On PedestalOption + 21EF
Rightwards White Arrow From WallOption + 21F0
North West Arrow To CornerOption + 21F1
South East Arrow To CornerOption + 21F2
Up Down White ArrowOption + 21F3
Right Arrow With Small CircleOption + 21F4
Downwards Arrow Leftwards Of Upwards ArrowOption + 21F5
Three Rightwards ArrowsOption + 21F6
Leftwards Arrow With Vertical StrokeOption + 21F7
Rightwards Arrow With Vertical StrokeOption + 21F8
Left Right Arrow With Vertical StrokeOption + 21F9
Leftwards Arrow With Double Vertical StrokeOption + 21FA
Rightwards Arrow With Double Vertical StrokeOption + 21FB
Left Right Arrow With Double Vertical StrokeOption + 21FC
Leftwards Open-Headed ArrowOption + 21FD
Rightwards Open-Headed ArrowOption + 21FE
Left Right Open-Headed ArrowOption + 21FF
Horizontal Line ExtensionOption + 23AF
Vertical Line ExtensionOption + 23D0
Heavy Wide Headed Rightwards ArrowOption + 2794
Heavy South East ArrowOption + 2798
Heavy Rightwards ArrowOption + 2799
Heavy North East ArrowOption + 279A
Drafting Point Rightwards ArrowOption + 279B
Heavy Round-Tipped Rightwards ArrowOption + 279C
Triangle-Headed Rightwards ArrowOption + 279D
Heavy Triangle-Headed Rightwards ArrowOption + 279E
Dashed Triangle-Headed Rightwards ArrowOption + 279F
Heavy Dashed Triangle-Headed Rightwards ArrowOption + 27A0
Right Arrow EmojiOption + 27A1
Three-D Top-Lighted Rightwards ArrowheadOption + 27A2
Three-D Bottom-Lighted Rightwards ArrowheadOption + 27A3
Black Rightwards ArrowheadOption + 27A4
Heavy Black Curved Downwards And Rightwards ArrowOption + 27A5
Heavy Black Curved Upwards And Rightwards ArrowOption + 27A6
Squat Black Rightwards ArrowOption + 27A7
Heavy Concave-Pointed Black Rightwards ArrowOption + 27A8
Right-Shaded White Rightwards ArrowOption + 27A9
Left-Shaded White Rightwards ArrowOption + 27AA
Back-Tilted Shadowed White Rightwards ArrowOption + 27AB
Front-Tilted Shadowed White Rightwards ArrowOption + 27AC
Heavy Lower Right-Shadowed White Rightwards ArrowOption + 27AD
Heavy Upper Right-Shadowed White Rightwards ArrowOption + 27AE
Notched Lower Right-Shadowed White Rightwards ArrowOption + 27AF
Curly LoopOption + 27B0
Notched Upper Right-Shadowed White Rightwards ArrowOption + 27B1
Circled Heavy White Rightwards ArrowOption + 27B2
White-Feathered Rightwards ArrowOption + 27B3
Black-Feathered South East ArrowOption + 27B4
Black-Feathered Rightwards ArrowOption + 27B5
Black-Feathered North East ArrowOption + 27B6
Heavy Black-Feathered South East ArrowOption + 27B7
Heavy Black-Feathered Rightwards ArrowOption + 27B8
Heavy Black-Feathered North East ArrowOption + 27B9
Teardrop-Barbed Rightwards ArrowOption + 27BA
Heavy Teardrop-Shanked Rightwards ArrowOption + 27BB
Wedge-Tailed Rightwards ArrowOption + 27BC
Heavy Wedge-Tailed Rightwards ArrowOption + 27BD
Open Outlined Rightwards ArrowOption + 27BE
Double Curly LoopOption + 27BF
Upwards Quadruple ArrowOption + 27F0
Downwards Quadruple ArrowOption + 27F1
Anticlockwise Gapped Circle ArrowOption + 27F2
Clockwise Gapped Circle ArrowOption + 27F3
Right Arrow with Circle PlusOption + 27F4
Long Leftwards ArrowOption + 27F5
Long Rightwards ArrowOption + 27F6
Long Left Right ArrowOption + 27F7
Long Leftwards Double ArrowOption + 27F8
Long Rightwards Double ArrowOption + 27F9
Long Left Right Double ArrowOption + 27FA
Long Leftwards Arrow From BarOption + 27FB
Long Rightwards Arrow From BarOption + 27FC
Long Leftwards Double Arrow From BarOption + 27FD
Long Rightwards Double Arrow From BarOption + 27FE
Long Rightwards Squiggle ArrowOption + 27FF
Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow With Vertical StrokeOption + 2900
Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow With Double Vertical StrokeOption + 2901
Leftwards Double Arrow With Vertical StrokeOption + 2902
Rightwards Double Arrow With Vertical StrokeOption + 2903
Left Right Double Arrow With Vertical StrokeOption + 2904
Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow From BarOption + 2905
Leftwards Double Arrow From BarOption + 2906
Rightwards Double Arrow From BarOption + 2907
Downwards Arrow With Horizontal StrokeOption + 2908
Upwards Arrow With Horizontal StrokeOption + 2909
Upwards Triple ArrowOption + 290A
Downwards Triple ArrowOption + 290B
Leftwards Double Dash ArrowOption + 290C
Rightwards Double Dash ArrowOption + 290D
Leftwards Triple Dash ArrowOption + 290E
Rightwards Triple Dash ArrowOption + 290F
Rightwards Two-Headed Triple Dash ArrowOption + 2910
Rightwards Arrow With Dotted StemOption + 2911
Upwards Arrow To BarOption + 2912
Downwards Arrow To BarOption + 2913
Rightwards Arrow With Tail With Vertical StrokeOption + 2914
Rightwards Arrow With Tail With Double Vertical StrokeOption + 2915
Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow With TailOption + 2916
Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow With Tail With Vertical StrokeOption + 2917
Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow With Tail With Double Vertical StrokeOption + 2918
Leftwards Arrow-TailOption + 2919
Rightwards Arrow-TailOption + 291A
Leftwards Double Arrow-TailOption + 291B
Rightwards Double Arrow-TailOption + 291C
Leftwards Arrow To Black DiamondOption + 291D
Rightwards Arrow To Black DiamondOption + 291E
Leftwards Arrow From Bar To Black DiamondOption + 291F
Rightwards Arrow From Bar To Black DiamondOption + 2920
North West And South East ArrowOption + 2921
North East And South West ArrowOption + 2922
North West Arrow With HookOption + 2923
North East Arrow With HookOption + 2924
South East Arrow With HookOption + 2925
South West Arrow With HookOption + 2926
North West Arrow And North East ArrowOption + 2927
North East Arrow And South East ArrowOption + 2928
South East Arrow And South West ArrowOption + 2929
South West Arrow And North West ArrowOption + 292A
Rising Diagonal Crossing Falling DiagonalOption + 292B
Falling Diagonal Crossing Rising DiagonalOption + 292C
South East Arrow Crossing North East ArrowOption + 292D
North East Arrow Crossing South East ArrowOption + 292E
Falling Diagonal Crossing North East ArrowOption + 292F
Rising Diagonal Crossing South East ArrowOption + 2930
North East Arrow Crossing North West ArrowOption + 2931
North West Arrow Crossing North East ArrowOption + 2932
Wave Arrow Pointing Directly RightOption + 2933
Right Arrow Curving Up EmojiOption + 2934
Right Arrow Curving Down EmojiOption + 2935
Arrow Pointing Downwards Then Curving LeftwardsOption + 2936
Arrow Pointing Downwards Then Curving RightwardsOption + 2937
Right-Side Arc Clockwise ArrowOption + 2938
Left-Side Arc Anticlockwise ArrowOption + 2939
Top Arc Anticlockwise ArrowOption + 293A
Top Arc Anticlockwise ArrowOption + 293A
Bottom Arc Anticlockwise ArrowOption + 293B
Bottom Arc Anticlockwise ArrowOption + 293B
Top Arc Clockwise Arrow With MinusOption + 293C
Top Arc Clockwise Arrow With MinusOption + 293C
Top Arc Anticlockwise Arrow With PlusOption + 293D
Top Arc Anticlockwise Arrow With PlusOption + 293D
Lower Right Semicircular Clockwise ArrowOption + 293E
Lower Left Semicircular Anticlockwise ArrowOption + 293F⤿
Anticlockwise Closed Circle ArrowOption + 2940
Clockwise Closed Circle ArrowOption + 2941
Rightwards Arrow Above Short Leftwards ArrowOption + 2942
Leftwards Arrow Above Short Rightwards ArrowOption + 2943
Short Rightwards Arrow Above Leftwards ArrowOption + 2944
Rightwards Arrow With Plus BelowOption + 2945
Rightwards Arrow With Plus BelowOption + 2945
Leftwards Arrow With Plus BelowOption + 2946
Leftwards Arrow With Plus BelowOption + 2946
Rightwards Arrow Through XOption + 2947
Left Right Arrow Through Small CircleOption + 2948
Upwards Two-Headed Arrow From Small CircleOption + 2949
Left Barb Up Right Barb Down HarpoonOption + 294A
Left Barb Down Right Barb Up HarpoonOption + 294B
Up Barb Right Down Barb Left HarpoonOption + 294C
Up Barb Left Down Barb Right HarpoonOption + 294D
Left Barb Up Right Barb Up HarpoonOption + 294E
Up Barb Right Down Barb Right HarpoonOption + 294F
Left Barb Down Right Barb Down HarpoonOption + 2950
Up Barb Left Down Barb Left HarpoonOption + 2951
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Up To BarOption + 2952
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Up To BarOption + 2953
Upwards Harpoon With Barb Right To BarOption + 2954
Downwards Harpoon With Barb Right To BarOption + 2955
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Down To BarOption + 2956
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Down To BarOption + 2957
Upwards Harpoon With Barb Left To BarOption + 2958
Downwards Harpoon With Barb Left To BarOption + 2959
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Up From BarOption + 295A
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Up From BarOption + 295B
Upwards Harpoon With Barb Right From BarOption + 295C
Downwards Harpoon With Barb Right From BarOption + 295D
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Down From BarOption + 295E
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Down From BarOption + 295F
Upwards Harpoon With Barb Left From BarOption + 2960
Downwards Harpoon With Barb Left From BarOption + 2961
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Leftwards Harpoon With Barb DownOption + 2962
Upwards Harpoon With Barb Left Beside Upwards Harpoon With Barb RightOption + 2963
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Rightwards Harpoon With Barb DownOption + 2964
Downwards Harpoon With Barb Left Beside Downwards Harpoon With Barb RightOption + 2965
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Rightwards Harpoon With Barb UpOption + 2966
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Down Above Rightwards Harpoon With Barb DownOption + 2967
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Leftwards Harpoon With Barb UpOption + 2968
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Down Above Leftwards Harpoon With Barb DownOption + 2969
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Long DashOption + 296A
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Long DashOption + 296A
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Down Below Long DashOption + 296B
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Down Below Long DashOption + 296B
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Long DashOption + 296C
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Long DashOption + 296C
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Down Below Long DashOption + 296D
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Down Below Long DashOption + 296D
Upwards Harpoon With Barb Left Beside Downwards Harpoon With Barb RightOption + 296E
Downwards Harpoon With Barb Left Beside Upwards Harpoon With Barb RightOption + 296F
Right Double Arrow With Rounded HeadOption + 2970
Equals Sign Above Rightwards ArrowOption + 2971
Tilde Operator Above Rightwards ArrowOption + 2972
Leftwards Arrow Above Tilde OperatorOption + 2973
Rightwards Arrow Above Tilde OperatorOption + 2974
Rightwards Arrow Above Almost Equal ToOption + 2975
Less-Than Above Leftwards ArrowOption + 2976
Leftwards Arrow Through Less-ThanOption + 2977
Greater-Than Above Rightwards ArrowOption + 2978
Subset Above Rightwards ArrowOption + 2979
Leftwards Arrow Through SubsetOption + 297A
Superset Above Leftwards ArrowOption + 297B
Left Fish TailOption + 297C
Right Fish TailOption + 297D
Up Fish TailOption + 297E
Down Fish TailOption + 297F⥿
North East White ArrowOption + 2B00
North West White ArrowOption + 2B01
South East White ArrowOption + 2B02
South West White ArrowOption + 2B03
Left Right White ArrowOption + 2B04
Left Arrow EmojiOption + 2B05
Up Arrow EmojiOption + 2B06
Down Arrow EmojiOption + 2B07
North East Black ArrowOption + 2B08
North West Black ArrowOption + 2B09
South East Black ArrowOption + 2B0A
South West Black ArrowOption + 2B0B
Left Right Black ArrowOption + 2B0C
Up Down Black ArrowOption + 2B0D
Left Arrow with Circle PlusOption + 2B32
Long Left Squiggle ArrowOption + 2B33


And there you have it.

All the alt codes for arrows plus some instructions on how to type these arrows on the keyboard.

Thanks so much for going through this reference page.

Let us know if you can’t find what you were looking for in the comments section below.