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★ Star Copy and Paste: typing ☆ symbol with Alt Code

Click on the button below to copy and paste the star symbol into your document.

However, for a step-by-step guide on how to use the Alt Code to type the star (★) symbol in Word using your keyboard, keep reading.

How to Type symbol using the star Alt Code

The star alt codes are 9733 for a black star and 9734 for a white star. To type either of these symbols in Word, press and hold the alt key whilst you type the corresponding alt code using the numeric keypad on the keyboard.

star alt code

There are several different variations of the star symbol.

Each of these different stars has its own unique alt codes that you can use to type it using the Windows keyboard.

The table below shows some of the star symbols along with their alt codes and Character codes.

Symbol NameSymbolAlt CodeCharacter Code
Asterisk, star*ALT 42002A ALT X
Black starALT 97332605 ALT X
White starALT 97342606 ALT X
  • To type the star symbol using the alt code, press and hold the Alt key whilst you type the star alt code using the numeric keypad.
★ alt code illustration on keyboard
  • You can also use the Character Codes listed in the table below to type the star symbol in Microsoft Word. To do so, type the character code at where you need the symbol, highlight it and press Alt+X.


Wednesday 9th of August 2023

no longer? this alt code results in ♣ now

Abarika Abdulai

Wednesday 9th of August 2023

Try them in MS Word.


Friday 21st of April 2023

I give this guide 2 stars ;)


Friday 9th of April 2021

haf star


Tuesday 26th of January 2021
