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Ultimate Guide to 150+ Excel Keyboard Shortcuts (Updated 2024) – Lifesaving Commands

Excel is the top spreadsheet application of 2024. It offers powerful tools for organizing and analyzing complex datasets, as well as numerous keyboard shortcuts that help users get the job done quickly.

Though you have been using Excel for years, sometimes you wonder how a few people seem to navigate Excel like pros and get things done within seconds.

The secret often lies in knowing the right keyboard shortcuts.

So, if you are still clicking around the mouse, this article is for you. From beginners to advanced users, mastering these shortcuts can save a lot of time and make work much more manageable.

Welcome to this guide, where we will discuss all Excel keyboard shortcuts divided into various categories for easy understanding. We will discuss keyboard shortcuts for Windows, Mac, and Chrome OS.

How can I view the keyboard shortcuts that are compatible with Excel?

Microsoft Excel uses numerous combinations of keys to perform various tasks.

You may be familiar with the following popular keyboard shortcuts:

  • CTRL + C” – Keyboard shortcut to copy the contents of a spreadsheet
  • CTRL + A” – Keyboard shortcut to select all the contents

These are common once, but you may be wondering how someone can explore the complete list of Excel keyboard shortcuts.

So, here are the steps to view all of the compatible keyboard shortcuts in Excel:

  • Open a new Excel sheet
  • Hover to the main menu
  • Go to the “Help” tab
  • Click on the “Help” button in the “Help” group
  • The Help pane will open on the right side of the screen
  • In the search bar, type “Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Click on the “Keyboard Shortcuts in Excel” link as shown below
  • Excel will show a list of shortcuts compatible with your version of Excel

Microsoft provides a comprehensive list of shortcuts to perform various tasks like formatting, editing, and navigating. Using these methods, you can quickly discover the most useful keyboard shortcuts as per your unique needs.

In the following section of the article, we discussed all of the Excel keyboard shortcuts and ways to use them effectively.

What are Compatible Keyboard Shortcuts

Compatible Keyboard Shortcuts in Excel are keyboard button combinations that work across different versions of Excel and operating systems (such as Windows and Mac). 

Using these compatible keyboard shortcuts, you can perform specific actions, such as cell formatting and navigating through a workbook, regardless of which version of Excel you are using.

Below are examples of a few famous compatible keyboard combinations:

  • CTRL + Home” for Windows and “CMD + Home” for Mac: Moves to the beginning of the worksheet
  • CTRL + C” for Windows and “CMD + C” for Mac: Copies the selected cells
  • CTRL +B” for Windows and “CMD + B” for Mac: Applies or removes the bold formatting
  • ALT + E + S + V” for Windows and “CMD + Option +V” for Mac: Opens the Paste Special dialog

These shortcuts are essential because they ensure quick and efficient data management using Excel. Knowing such keyboard combinations helps you get the job done quickly, whether you are using a Windows PC or a Mac.

Can you create your custom Keyboard Shortcuts in Excel?

Excel does not allow users to create custom keyboard shortcuts for specific tasks directly within the program.

However, there are a few workarounds to create unique keyboard shortcuts:

  • Use Macros: You can create a small program that automates a series of actions and then assign a custom keyboard shortcut to that program (Macro). Just go to “Developer > Record Macro” and follow the instructions to create a macro. 
  • Excel Add-ons: There are some Excel Add-ons or third-party tools like AutoHotkey (for Windows) or Keyboard Maestro (for Mac) that allow customization of keyboard shortcuts. 
  • Use the Quick Access Toolbar: You can add frequently used commands to the Quick Access Toolbar and then use the ALT key combinations to access them.

All Excel Keyboard Shortcuts of 2024

We have compiled the entire list of keyboard shortcuts in Excel. The list is divided by the categories.

The spreadsheet view is better than what we discussed at the beginning using the “Help” tab of Excel. You can download the following file for free and print it to put on your desk.

Ultimate Guide To Excel Keyboard Shortcuts - 150+ Lifesaving Shortcuts

Note that a few of the keyboard shortcuts are common, and most are specific to Excel. You can view the entire Excel worksheet through the following link.

Download Now!

As you can see in the above image, the spreadsheet is divided into three columns to display the keyboard shortcuts for Windows, Mac, and Chrome OS computers. While scrolling down, you will notice the light green color highlights the categories.

It is a printable Excel Sheet that can be pinned to your office desk.

Let us discuss all the above keyboard shortcut categories in detail in the following section of the article.

Common Action Keyboard Shortcuts in Excel

The below list contains keyboard shortcuts for the most common actions in Excel.

For example, you can select an entire row or column, undo the edits, find and replace the cell content, open a new Excel sheet, etc.

Learning these shortcuts will surely boost your overall computing skills in Excel.

Task DescriptionWindowsMacChrome OS
Select columnCtrl + SpaceCtrl + SpaceCtrl + Space
Select rowShift + SpaceShift + SpaceShift + Space
Select allCtrl + aCtrl + Shift + Space⌘ + a⌘ + Shift + SpaceCtrl + a
UndoCtrl + z⌘ + zCtrl + z
RedoCtrl + yCtrl + Shift + zF4⌘ + y⌘ + Shift + zFn + F4Ctrl + yCtrl + Shift + z
FindCtrl + f⌘ + fCtrl + f
Find and replaceCtrl + h⌘ + Shift + hCtrl + h
Fill rangeCtrl + Enter⌘ + EnterCtrl + Enter
Fill downCtrl + d⌘ + dCtrl + d
Fill rightCtrl + r⌘ + rCtrl + r
Save(every change is saved automatically in Drive)Ctrl + s⌘ + sCtrl + s
OpenCtrl + o⌘ + oCtrl + o
PrintCtrl + p⌘ + pCtrl + p
CopyCtrl + c⌘ + cCtrl + c
CutCtrl + x⌘ + xCtrl + x
PasteCtrl + v⌘ + vCtrl + v
Paste values onlyCtrl + Shift + v⌘ + Shift + vCtrl + Shift + v
Show common keyboard shortcutsCtrl + /⌘ + /Ctrl + /
Insert new sheetShift + F11Shift + Fn + F11
Compact controlsCtrl + Shift + fCtrl + Shift + fCtrl + Shift + f
Rename sheetAlt + 1
Select current region around selected cell⌘ + Shift + *Ctrl + Shift + *
Displays or hides the menus⌘ + Option + RCtrl + Shift + F

The keyboard shortcuts above are helpful for day-to-day operations, copying and pasting values, and selecting the entire table.

Keyboard Shortcuts to Format Cells like a Pro

Excel is very good at generating excellent reports with proper formatting.

Though most of the formatting tools are directly accessible via the toolbar that sits below the main menu, knowing the following keyboard shortcuts will enhance your efficiency.

Task DescriptionWindowsMacChrome OS
BoldCtrl + b⌘ + b⌘ + 2Ctrl + 2Ctrl + b
UnderlineCtrl + u⌘ + u⌘ + 4Ctrl + 4Ctrl + u
ItalicCtrl + i⌘ + i⌘ + 3Ctrl + 3Ctrl + i
StrikethroughAlt + 5⌘ + Shift + x⌘ + 5Ctrl + 5Alt + Shift + 5
Center alignAlt + H, A, COption + Cmd + CAlt + H, Alt + C
Left alignAlt + H, A, LOption + Cmd + LAlt + H, Alt + L
Right alignAlt + H, A, ROption + Cmd + RAlt + H, Alt + R
Apply top borderAlt + Shift + 1Option + Shift + 1Alt + Shift + 1
Apply right borderAlt + Shift + 2Option + Shift + 2Alt + Shift + 2
Apply bottom borderAlt + Shift + 3Option + Shift + 3Alt + Shift + 3
Apply left borderAlt + Shift + 4Option + Shift + 4Alt + Shift + 4
Remove bordersAlt + Shift + 6Option + Shift + 6Alt + Shift + 6
Apply outer borderAlt + Shift + 7Ctrl + Shift + 7Option + Shift + 7⌘ + Shift + 7Ctrl + Shift + 7Alt + Shift + 7Ctrl + Shift + 7
Insert linkCtrl + k⌘ + kCtrl + k
Insert timeCtrl + Shift + ;⌘ + Shift + ;Ctrl + Shift + ;
Insert dateCtrl + ;⌘ + ;Ctrl + ;
Insert date and timeCtrl + Shift + DCmd + Shift + DCtrl + Shift + D
Format as decimalCtrl + Shift + 1Cmd + Shift + 1Ctrl + Shift + 1
Format as timeCtrl + Shift + 2Cmd + Shift + 2Ctrl + Shift + 2
Format as dateCtrl + Shift + 3Cmd + Shift + 3Ctrl + Shift + 3
Format as currencyCtrl + Shift + 4Cmd + Shift + 4Ctrl + Shift + 4
Format as PercentageCtrl + Shift + 5Cmd + Shift + 5Ctrl + Shift + 5
Format as exponentCtrl + Shift + 6Cmd + Shift + 6Ctrl + Shift + 6
Clear formattingCtrl + \⌘ + \Ctrl + \

Besides these, you can change the font styles, insert or remove borders, and change the cell content formatting to time, date, currency, percentage, etc.

Note that the above keyboard shortcuts are lengthy but easy to remember. If you are responsible for preparing the monthly and annual reports, these shortcuts are for you.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Navigating Swiftly through the Spreadsheet

Below is a list of shortcuts that can help users improve their data analytics skills by quickly navigating through complex datasets.

Suppose you are giving a presentation to your colleagues, and while explaining the annual sales report, you get into the middle of the table. Now, you need to return to the table’s first row. Instead of scrolling to the top using your mouse, press the “CTRL + Home” on your keyboard to immediately return to the beginning of the table.

Here are a few more keyboard shortcuts to navigate the entire spreadsheet within a few seconds:

Task DescriptionWindowsMacChrome OS
Move to beginning of rowHomeFn + Left ArrowSearch + Left Arrow
Move to beginning of sheetCtrl + Home⌘ + Fn + Left ArrowCtrl + Search + Left Arrow
Move to end of rowEndFn + Right ArrowSearch + Right Arrow
Move to end of sheetCtrl + End⌘ + Fn + Right ArrowCtrl + Search + Right Arrow
Scroll to active cellCtrl + Backspace⌘ + BackspaceCtrl + Backspace
Move to next sheetAlt + Down ArrowOption + Down Arrow MacBook:Option + Right ArrowCtrl + Shift + Search + Down Arrow
Move to previous sheetAlt + Up ArrowOption + Up ArrowMacBook:Option + Left ArrowCtrl + Shift + Search + Up Arrow
Display list of sheetsAlt + Shift + kOption + Shift + kAlt + Shift + k
Open hyperlinkAlt + EnterOption + EnterAlt + Enter
Open ExploreCtrl + Alt + Shift + i⌘ + Option + Shift + iCtrl + Alt + Shift + i
Go to side panelCtrl + Alt + .Ctrl + Alt + ,⌘ + Option + .⌘ + Option + ,Alt + Shift + .Alt + Shift + ,
Move focus out of spreadsheetCtrl + Alt + Shift + mCtrl + ⌘ + Shift + mCtrl + Alt + Shift + m
Move to quicksum(when a range of cells is selected)Alt + Shift + qOption + Shift + qAlt + Shift + q
Move focus to popup(for links, bookmarks, and images)holding Ctrl + Alt, press e then pholding Ctrl + ⌘, press e then pholding Ctrl + Alt, press e then p
Open drop-down menu on filtered cellCtrl + Alt + rCtrl + ⌘ + rCtrl + Alt + r
Open revision historyCtrl + Alt + Shift + h⌘ + Option + Shift + hCtrl + Alt + Shift + h
Close drawing editorShift + Esc⌘ + EscShift + EscCtrl + EscShift + Esc
Show “Go to range” dialogCtrl + G
Find and replace with Find tab selectedCtrl + F

The above keyboard shortcuts allow you to move through the Excel worksheets quickly. With these shortcuts, you can also open a hyperlink within a second.

Other useful keyboard shortcuts in the above table are “CTRL + ALT + R”, which lets you open sort and filter options on a filtered cell, and “SHIFT + ESC” to close a popup or dialog box.

You can surely master these shortcuts with practice, and they will surely be helpful in the long run.

Keyboard Shortcuts to Insert and Edit Comments

Excel is one of the most powerful spreadsheet applications. Its intuitive interface makes it easy for even beginners to use.

It supports real-time collaboration, empowered with threaded comments. Here is a list of keyboard shortcuts for inserting and editing comments in Excel.

Task DescriptionWindowsMacChrome OS
Insert/edit noteShift + F2Shift + F2Shift + Search + 2
Insert/edit commentCtrl + Alt + m⌘ + Option + mCtrl + Alt + m
Open comment discussion threadCtrl + Alt + Shift + o⌘ + Option + Shift + oCtrl + Alt + Shift + o
Enter current commentholding Ctrl + Alt, press e then cholding Ctrl + ⌘, press e then cholding Ctrl + Alt, press e then c
Move to next commentholding Ctrl + Alt, press n then cholding Ctrl + ⌘, press n then cholding Ctrl + Alt, press n then c
Move to previous commentholding Ctrl + Alt, press p then cholding Ctrl + ⌘, press p then cholding Ctrl + Alt, press p then c
Reply to current selected commentCtrl + Alt + MCmd + Option + MCtrl + Alt + M
Move to next selected commentCtrl + Alt + NCmd + Option + NCtrl + Alt + N
Move to previous selected commentShift + Alt + Up ArrowCmd + Option + Up ArrowShift + Alt + Up Arrow
Resolve current selected commentCtrl + Alt + MCmd + Option + MCtr; + ALt + M
Exit current commentEcsEscEsc

The above keyboard shortcuts aim to improve your communication speed. You can quickly reply, resolve, or delete the selected comment. To open the comment discussion thread, use the keyboard shortcut “CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + A”.

These handful of keyboard shortcuts are worth remembering if your team largely depends upon Microsoft Excel for the company’s data organization and analysis.

With practice, all of them are easy to remember and pretty straightforward.

Keyboard Shortcuts to Navigate through the Main Menu 

Microsoft Excel boasts an easy-to-use interface. Almost all of the tools and functions can be accessed quickly using the main menu and toolbar section. Many users appreciate the way Excel’s main menu allows them to access the formatting tools quickly to adjust the font and cell styles.

We have compiled a list of keyboard shortcuts to access the main menu in the following table.

Task DescriptionWindowsMacChrome OS
File menuin Google Chrome: Alt + fother browsers: Alt + Shift + fCtrl + Option + fAlt + f
Edit menuin Google Chrome: Alt + eother browsers: Alt + Shift + eCtrl + Option + eAlt + e
View menuin Google Chrome: Alt + vother browsers: Alt + Shift + vCtrl + Option + vAlt + v
Insert menuin Google Chrome: Alt + iother browsers: Alt + Shift + iCtrl + Option + iAlt + i
Format menuin Google Chrome: Alt + oother browsers: Alt + Shift + oCtrl + Option + oAlt + o
Data menuin Google Chrome: Alt + dother browsers: Alt + Shift + dCtrl + Option + dAlt + d
Tools menuin Google Chrome: Alt + tother browsers: Alt + Shift + tCtrl + Option + tAlt + t
Open insert menuCtrl + Alt + Shift + =Ctrl + Alt + =(with cells selected)⌘ + Option + = (with cells selected)Ctrl + Alt + = (with cells selected)
Open delete menuCtrl + Alt + – (with cells selected)⌘ + Option + – (with cells selected)Ctrl + Alt + – (with cells selected)
Form menu(present when the spreadsheet is connected to a form)in Google Chrome: Alt + mother browsers: Alt + Shift + mCtrl + Option + mAlt + m
Add-ons menuin Google Chrome: Alt + nother browsers: Alt + Shift + nCtrl + Option + nAlt + n
Help menuin Google Chrome: Alt + hother browsers: Alt + Shift + hCtrl + Option + hAlt + h
Accessibility menu(present when screen reader support is enabled)in Google Chrome: Alt + aother browsers: Alt + Shift + aCtrl + Option + aAlt + a
Sheet menu(copy, delete, and other sheet actions)Alt + Shift + sOption + Shift + sCtrl + Shift + s
Context menuCtrl + Shift + \Shift + F10⌘ + Shift + \Shift + F10Ctrl + Shift + \Shift + F10

With the above keyboard shortcuts, you can quickly access all the tabs from the main menu, including File, Home, Insert, Page Layout, Formulas, Data, Review, View, Automate, Developer, and Tools.

If you are stuck, simply press the “ALT + H” button to access the Help menu.

Keyboard Shortcuts to Manipulate Rows and Columns

These are another set of commands for Excel pros. They allow users to insert rows and columns at desired locations quickly.

You can also delete a row or column instantly using the following shortcuts.

Task DescriptionWindowsMacChrome OS
Insert rows aboveCtrl + Alt + Shift + =Ctrl + Alt + =(with rows selected)in Google Chrome: Alt + i, then rother browsers: Alt + Shift + i, then r⌘ + Option + = (with rows selected)Ctrl + Option + i, press r then rCtrl + Alt + = (with rows selected)Alt + i, then r
Insert rows belowin Google Chrome: Alt + i, then wother browsers: Alt + Shift + i, then wCtrl + Option + i, press r then bAlt + i, then w
Insert columns to the leftCtrl + Alt + Shift + =Ctrl + Alt + =(with columns selected)in Google Chrome: Alt + i, then cother browsers: Alt + Shift + i, then c⌘ + Option + = (with columns selected)Ctrl + Option + i, press c then cCtrl + Alt + = (with columns selected)Alt + i, then c
Insert columns to the rightin Google Chrome: Alt + i, then oother browsers: Alt + Shift + i, then oCtrl + Option + i, press c then oAlt + i, then o
Delete rowsCtrl + Alt + – (with rows selected)in Google Chrome: Alt + e, then dother browsers: Alt + Shift + e, then d⌘ + Option + – (with rows selected)Ctrl + Option + e, then dCtrl + Alt + – (with rows selected)Alt + e, then d
Delete columnsCtrl + Alt + – (with columns selected)in Google Chrome: Alt + e, then eother browsers: Alt + Shift + e, then e⌘ + Option + – (with columns selected)Ctrl + Option + e, then eCtrl + Alt + – (with columns selected)Alt + e, then e
Hide rowCtrl + Alt + 9⌘ + Option + 9Ctrl + Alt + 9
Unhide rowCtrl + Shift + 9⌘ + Shift + 9Ctrl + Shift + 9
Hide columnCtrl + Alt + 0⌘ + Option + 0Ctrl + Alt + 0
Unhide columnCtrl + Shift + 0⌘ + Shift + 0Ctrl + Shift + 0
Group rows or columnsAlt + Shift + Right ArrowOption + Shift + Right ArrowAlt + Shift + Right Arrow
Ungroup rows or columnsAlt + Shift + Left ArrowOption + Shift + Left ArrowAlt + Shift + Left Arrow
Expand grouped rows or columnsAlt + Shift + Down ArrowOption + Shift + Down ArrowAlt + Shift + Down Arrow
Collapse grouped rows or columnsAlt + Shift + Up ArrowOption + Shift + Up ArrowAlt + Shift + Up Arrow

At the End of the list, you will find the keyboard shortcuts to group and ungroup rows or columns.

The above keyboard shortcuts help you hide and unhide rows or columns in Excel apart from just inserting them, that too in the blink of an eye.

Please note that in the case of browser-based Excel, a few keyboard shortcuts depend upon the type of browser.

Keyboard Shortcuts to Manipulate Formulas

Excel uses numerous formulas or functions to perform various calculations.

There are over 400+ built-in functions in Excel. You can analyze and visualize complex datasets using these functions.

Sometimes, users need clarification about whether a cell contains a formula, number, or plain text. This is particularly true in massive datasets that include income or expenses over a given period of time.

Here are the Excel keyboard shortcuts to manipulate the cells holding the formulas:

Task DescriptionWindowsMacChrome OS
Show all formulasCtrl + ~Ctrl + ~Ctrl + ~
Insert array formulaCtrl + Shift + Enter⌘ + Shift + EnterCtrl + Shift + Enter
Collapse an expanded array formulaCtrl + e⌘ + eCtrl + e
Show/hide formula help(when entering a formula)Shift + F1Shift + Fn + F1Shift + Search + 1
Full/compact formula help(when entering a formula)F1Fn + F1Search + 1
Absolute/relative references(when entering a formula)F4Fn + F4Search + 4
Toggle formula result previews(when entering a formula)F9Fn + F9Search + 9
Resize formula bar(move up or down)Ctrl + Up / Ctrl + DownCtrl + Option + Up and Ctrl + Option + DownCtrl + Shift + Up Arrow andCtrl + Shift + Down Arrow
Toggle formula range selection(when entering a formula)F2Ctrl + eF2Ctrl + eF2Ctrl + e

With the above keyboard shortcuts, you can view the cells containing the formulas, insert absolute references, resize the formula bar, and much more.

They will surely enhance your data analytics skills and reduce calculation errors. Please make sure you remember and practice them often.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Screen Reading

A screen reader is used to announce the location and content of the cell. In simple words, a screen reader converts text within a cell into spoken words.

It is made for people with cognitive impairment and motor disabilities.

Task DescriptionWindowsMacChrome OS
Turn on screen reader supportCtrl + Alt + z⌘ + Option + zCtrl + Alt + z
Enable braille supportCtrl + Alt + h⌘ + Option + hCtrl + Alt + h
Read columnCtrl + Alt + Shift + c⌘ + Option + Shift + cCtrl + Alt + Shift + c
Read rowCtrl + Alt + Shift + r⌘ + Option + Shift + rCtrl + Alt + Shift + r

Using the above shortcuts, you can access the screen reader support and ask the program to read a column or row based on the selected cell.


Q. How do you create custom keyboard shortcuts in Excel?

There is no direct way of creating a keyboard shortcut in Excel.

Either use a predefined keyboard shortcut or create a macro and initiate it using a combination of keyboard buttons.

We have already discussed multiple methods to create custom keyboard shortcuts in Excel at the beginning of this article.

Here, let us learn to create a macro and assign a keyboard shortcut:

  • Launch the Excel application on your desktop
  • Go to the “View” tab
  • Click on the “Macros” dropdown
  • Select “Record Macros
  • In the Record Macro dialog box, enter the Macro name and assign your keyboard shortcut
  • Carry out the steps you want your shortcut to perform, and stop recording

That’s it! Now, you can press the assigned keys to execute the Macro anytime.

Q. What is the shortcut to create a new Excel?

To create a new sheet within an Excel, you can use the following keyboard combinations:

  • Ctrl + N” for Windows
  • Cmd + N” for Mac

Using the above keyboard shortcut, you will be able to immediately create a new blank worksheet within no time.

Q. What is the keyboard shortcut for sum in Excel?

There is a keyboard shortcut for every task you perform in Excel. The main goal is to make your workflow faster and more efficient.

You can use the following keyboard combinations to find the sum of the selected cells:

  • Alt + =” for Windows
  • Cmd + Shift + T” for Mac

With the above keyboard shortcuts, you don’t need to enter the formula manually. Often, we are asked to find the sum of the values from a given cell range; the above keyboard shortcut will help us get the job done within a few seconds.

Q. What is the keyboard shortcut to the Find and Replace tool in Excel?

The Find and Replace tool in Excel allows us to quickly search for a specific text, number, or formula and replace it with new content.

This is especially useful while working with large datasets, as it saves a lot of time and ensures consistency across your workbook.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Find and Replace tool in Excel are as follows:

  • Ctrl + F” (for Windows) and “Cmd + F” (for Mac) let you open the Find tool in Excel
  • Ctrl + H” (for Windows) and “Cmd + H” (for Mac) let you open the Replace tool in Excel

To Summarize: Excel Keyboard Shortcuts

Knowing keyboard shortcuts is crucial for any computer application user. Keyboard shortcuts improve their productivity and allow them to get the most out of the given program.

I hope you learned all the bells and whistles of Excel keyboard shortcuts.

In reality, not all of them are going to be helpful to you. But the more you know, the better you become at organizing data.

With practice, you will master most of them and advance your computing or data analysis skills.

Make sure you download our Excel Keyboard Shortcuts Mastersheet for your reference. You can also print it easily.

Finally, remember to explore our blog section for more tips and tricks on how to use Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets like a pro.