The ability to filter multiple columns in Google Sheets can transform your data management skills, making them more efficient and productive.
This article will guide you through the process, helping you harness this powerful tool for better organization and decision-making.
Whether you’re a business analyst, a student working on a research project, or someone trying to organize household expenses, mastering the art of filtering multiple columns in Google Sheets will be a game-changer.
But before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s quickly review a use case/scenario that conveys the message better.
Scenario/Use Case
To truly understand the power of filtering multiple columns in Google Sheets, let’s step into the shoes of Sarah, a dedicated marketing analyst at a burgeoning e-commerce startup.
Sarah’s daily routine involves sifting through a vast amount of customer data to identify trends, track the success of marketing campaigns, and fine-tune her strategies. Without effective data filtering, this could be an overwhelming and time-consuming task.
One morning, Sarah opens her Google Sheets dashboard and is greeted by a labyrinth of information. Columns upon columns of data, from customer demographics to purchase history, stretch across her screen. She knows that somewhere in this data lies the key to improving the company’s next marketing campaign, but the thought of manually scanning through it all sends shivers down her spine.
That’s when Sarah remembers the invaluable technique of filtering multiple columns in Google Sheets. Armed with this knowledge, she can now effortlessly navigate the data maze. With a few clicks and keystrokes, she filters out irrelevant information, leaving only the data points she needs for her analysis.
By the end of the day, Sarah not only identifies the target audience for the upcoming marketing campaign but also discovers potential cross-selling opportunities among existing customers. All thanks to her newfound ability to filter multiple columns in Google Sheets.
In this Google Sheets tutorial, we’ll guide you through the same process that transformed Sarah’s daily data grind into a breeze. Let’s get started, shall we?
Filtering Multiple Columns In Google Sheets – Practical Step-By-Step Tutorial
Now that we’ve given you some context on what it means to filter multiple columns in Google Sheets and shared a real-life example to make things clearer, let’s dive into the practical process.No more beating around the bush.
To show you how to filter multiple columns in Google Sheets, we’ll use the following sample data.

With our sample data ready, let’s go through the step-by-step process of filtering multiple columns in Google Sheets.
In this example, our goal is simple: we want to filter the data to show only female customers aged 30 and below and the number of purchases they’ve made.
Copy the Example Google Sheets
To get the most out of this tutorial on filtering multiple columns in Google Sheets, we encourage you to follow along with our example sheet.
Click here to access the example sheet
If you already have your own sample sheet with data that you’d like to filter, you can apply the same filtering principles discussed here to your own dataset. Just remember to adapt the criteria and columns to your specific needs.
Let’s get started, shall we?
Step 1: Choose A Blank Cell
Since we intend to filter multiple columns in Google Sheets, we need to choose a blank cell where our filtered result will be generated. For this example, we will use cell A15. So, let’s quickly select that cell in our spreadsheet.

Step 2: Write The Filter Formula
Having selected the cell where we want our result to be generated, we now need to type in the Filter formula we intend to use to filter multiple columns in our spreadsheet.
To do that, simply navigate to the formula bar and type in the following formula:
=FILTER(A1:H11, (E1:E11=”Female”)*(D1:D11<=30))

Let’s break down the formula we used above so you get the bigger picture.
This formula filters your data based on two criteria:
- (E1:E11=”Female”): Filters for rows where the “Gender” column (column E) is “Female.
- (D1:D11<=30): Filters for rows where the “Age” column (column D) is less than or equal to 30.
The * operator between these criteria acts as a logical AND, meaning that both conditions must be met for a row to be included in the filtered results.
Step 3: Hit Enter
After entering the formula, all that is left to do is hit the Enter button on your keyboard. This action authorizes Google Sheets to generate the filtered result in the selected cell.

In the screenshot shown above, you can observe that we’ve achieved our goal by filtering the data to display only female customers aged 30 and below. This demonstrates how effortlessly you can filter multiple columns in Google Sheets using just one straightforward formula.
Final Thoughts
If you have read to this point, congratulations. You’ve just uncovered a powerful tool in your data management arsenal. Filtering multiple columns in Google Sheets might have seemed like a daunting task at first, but now you know it’s as easy as pie.
With this skill, you can effortlessly unearth valuable insights, just like our marketing analyst Sarah did. Imagine making informed decisions, spotting trends, and tailoring your strategies with precision—all at your fingertips.
Whether you’re a business analyst, a student working on a project, or someone managing personal finances, mastering this art will elevate your productivity and decision-making.
FAQs on How To Filter Multiple Columns In Google Sheets
What Is The Purpose Of Filtering Multiple Columns In Google Sheets?
Filtering multiple columns allows you to selectively display specific rows of data based on multiple criteria. It helps you quickly analyze and focus on the information that’s most relevant to your task or analysis.
How Can I Filter Data In Google Sheets Using Multiple Criteria?
You can use the FILTER function with logical operators (e.g., *, +) to simultaneously filter data based on multiple criteria. This allows you to narrow your dataset to specific conditions you want to analyze.
Can I Filter Data In Google Sheets By More Than Two Criteria?
Yes, you can filter data using as many criteria as needed. Just add additional criteria using the logical operators (* for AND, + for OR) within the FILTER function.
What Should I Do If I’m Not Getting The Expected Results When Filtering Data?
If your filter isn’t producing the desired results, double-check your criteria and the data format. Ensure that your criteria match the data type and format in the spreadsheet, and consider using functions like REGEXMATCH for more complex conditions.