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Insert a Footer Only on First Page in Word

When you insert a Footer in Word, it runs through all the pages in the document. This makes sense when your footer will contain page numbers, document titles or dates.

However, there are instances where you may want to insert the Footer only on the first page of your Word document. This article will explain the easiest way you can make this happen.

Without further ado, let’s get started.

To insert a Footer only on the first page in Word, first insert the Footer by going to Insert > Header & Footer > Footer. The Header & Footer Tools > Design tab will appear. On this tab, in the Options group, check the Different First Page option. This will give the first page a different header and footer.

Related article: How to add Header only on First Page

Below is a more step by step guide on how to add a Footer only on the first page in Word:

  • Open your Word document.
  • Navigate to the Insert tab.
Click the Insert tab
  • In the Header & Footer group, click on the Footer drop-down button. A drop-down menu will appear.
Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Footer button
  • From this drop-down menu, select one of the built-in Footer options or select the blank option if you want your own custom Footer.
Header and Footer in Word
  • The Header & Footer Tools > Design tab will appear on the ribbon. The Footer section will also become active with the selected built-in Footer.
  • Now the Footer will be visible on all the pages in your document. To make it appear only on the first page, go to the new design tab on the ribbon, in the Options group, click to check the Different First Page option.
Header Only on First Page

At this point, the inserted footer will be displayed only on the first page of your document. You can insert different Footer to the rest of pages with the first page having its own footer.

This is how you may perform this task in Microsoft Word.