In this fast-paced digital world, spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets are becoming an integral part of our lives.
Both are widely used, but Google Sheets lacks some features, like advanced data analysis tools and custom VBA macros.
Whereas Excel has been the top spreadsheet software for the past few decades, boasting many powerful tools for advanced data organization.
This is a step-by-step guide to convert Google Sheets to Excel. Make sure to read the article to the end, as we have covered everything, including the benefits and drawbacks of importing Google Sheets to Microsoft Excel.
Should I Import Google Sheets to Excel?

Google Sheets and Excel both have different features, so moving data between them can give you the best of both worlds.
We discussed their strengths and weaknesses in our article, “Google Sheets vs. Microsoft Excel: Which is Better?“
Here are some of the common reasons for importing Google Sheets to Excel:
- Advanced Analysis: Excel has 512 built-in functions. Most of them are also available in Google Sheets, but a few powerful statistical functions are missing. With Excel, you will also have access to a variety of charts and graphs for advanced data analysis.
- Best Performance: When it comes to computational speed, Excel dominates Google Sheets. However, as Google Sheets is browser-based spreadsheet software, it sometimes fails to handle complex calculations on large datasets.
- Keyboard Shortcuts: Excel’s Huge number of keyboard shortcuts boosts the user’s ability to handle complex datasets and prepare reports. Whereas Google Sheets comes with a limited number of keyboard shortcuts as it is a browser-based app.
- Offline Access: Google Sheets cannot be used offline. Note that you can make edits offline, but they will be saved once you are connected to the internet. So, if you are looking to add and edit information to your spreadsheet on the go, Excel is the perfect choice.
You can even integrate Excel files with other Microsoft Office tools, like Word, PowerPoint, etc., to boost productivity and make the most out of your files.
Sometimes, your client may be using Microsoft Office 365 to manage their data. In this case, importing Google Sheets files becomes necessary.
Overall, there are many reasons to import Google Sheets to Microsoft Excel.
How to Import Google Sheets to Excel
Importing Google Sheets to Excel is a straightforward process. You will not require much knowledge of both the applications to do this.
Here are the two methods to convert Google Sheets to Excel.
- Download and Import Google Sheets to Excel
- Import Google Sheets to Excel from Google Drive
Let’s discuss each method in detail.
METHOD #1 – Import Google Sheets to Excel Using the In-built Feature
This method uses built-in tools to accomplish the task. All you need to do is export the Google Sheets into Excel-compatible file formats.
Note that by default, the file you download will have the .xlsx file format.
Let’s begin,
- Open the desired Google Sheet
- Hover to the main menu
- Go to the “File” tab from the main menu
- Select the “Download” option from the list
- Next, choose the “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” file format from the available options
- The downloading progress will be displayed on the lower-rightmost corner of the screen
(The download time depends on the size of the file and your internet speed) - Once done, navigate to the file location and double-click on it
That’s it!
The Google Sheets document is fully converted into Excel. This method is the best for one-time transfers.
Once you open the file, a dialogue box may appear asking for your permission to proceed. This is because a few Google Sheets functions and charts are not compatible with Excel.
METHOD #2- Import Google Sheets to Excel from Google Drive
This method is helpful when you want to convert multiple files at once from Google Sheets to Excel.
It is similar to the previous method. We need to download the Google Sheets in Excel-compatible file formats.
It includes minimum steps, so don’t worry.
Here is the process of importing multiple Google Sheets from Google Drive into Excel.
- Go the Google Drive
- Look for the Google Sheets files you want to convert to Excel. Make sure to select all of them if necessary. For demonstration, we will be importing a single Google Sheets file
- Right-click on the file and click on “Download”
- Google Drive instantly converts the Google sheet to Excel, as shown below
To download multiple Google Sheet files, hold the “Ctrl” key (Windows) or “Cmd” key (Mac) while selecting files. Then, right-click and choose the “Download” option from the list to convert all the files to Excel format as a .zip file.
After downloading, extract the .zip file, and each Google sheet will be an individual Excel file.
This method is excellent for exporting multiple files quickly. If necessary, change the files’ names in Google Drive to avoid any confusion.
How do you import Google Sheets to Excel automatically?
The above-discussed methods can be used to manually convert Google Sheets to Excel.
However, if you frequently need to sync data between Google Sheets and Excel, this automatic method can save you a lot of time. You can use the Google Apps Script to schedule data exports.
Copy the following code:
function exportToExcel() { var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); var sheetName = spreadsheet.getName(); var url = ‘’ + spreadsheet.getId() + ‘/export?format=xlsx’; var options = { headers: { ‘Authorization’: ‘Bearer ‘ + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken() } }; var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options); var fileName = sheetName + “.xlsx”; var file = DriveApp.createFile(fileName, response.getContent(), MimeType.MICROSOFT_EXCEL); Logger.log(“Exported to Google Drive as: ” + fileName); } |
Here is the step-by-step guide for importing Google Sheets to Excel automatically:
- Go to Google Sheets and open the file you want to export
- Hover to the main menu
- In the “Extensions” tab, click on “Apps Script”
- This will open an Apps Script Editor, where you can write a script to automate the process of conversion
- Paste the code we copied above
- Click on the “Save Project” icon as shown below
- Now, click on the “Run” icon
- You will see a dialog box asking for permission to access your data
- Click the “Review permissions” permission button as shown in the following image
- Choose a Google account to move to the next step
- Now, click on “Advanced”
- Select “Go to Untitled project (unsafe)”
- Click the “Allow” button as shown below
- You will see the Execution log as shown in the following image
This will create an Excel file in your Google Drive with the same data as in your Google sheet. To schedule this script to run automatically, follow the steps below.
- Hover over the left-side menu, and you will notice a clock icon (Trigger)
- Click on “Triggers”
- Click the “Add Trigger” button as shown below
- Choose the function “exportToExcel”
- Choose a time interval (daily, weekly) to automate the export
- Click the “Save” button
- Select the Google account you want to sign in with
- Click on “Advanced”
- Select “Go to Untitled project (Unsafe)”
- Click the “Allow” button to let Google access the files
- You will observe the trigger added as shown below
After adding the trigger in the Google Apps script, the script will automatically run at the interval you have selected.
Every time the trigger runs, the Google script will create a new Excel file with the latest data in the Google sheet and save it to your Google Drive. You can then download it manually and save it on your local storage if required.
What are the cons of Converting Google Sheets spreadsheet to Excel?
Google Sheets to Excel conversion allows users to move data between platforms to leverage the unique features of each of the applications.
However, note that the process has a few limitations that can affect the formatting and formulas, reducing the accuracy of calculations.
In this section, we will discuss various limitations of converting Google Sheets to Excel.
- Formula Compatibility: Google Sheets formulas such as the ARRAYFORMULA, IMPORTRANGE, QUERY, COUNTUNIQUE, etc. don’t work correctly in Excel. Such incompatibility leads to errors or incorrect static values.
- Formatting Discrepancies: Sometimes, cell colors, font styles, border types, etc., won’t be copied as is during conversion. Additionally, conditional formatting rules may be broken in some cases. In other words, users may be required to reformat the Excel file to match the original look of the Google Sheet.
- Apps Script Limitations: Google Sheets features Google Apps Script to automate various manual tasks. Such functionality is not available in Excel. You need to recreate the codes in VBA macros. It makes automation difficult and time-consuming after conversion.
- Data Validation and Dropdowns: The data validation rules and dropdowns inserted in the Google Sheets spreadsheet may not work correctly in Excel. In most cases, you need to reconfigure them after importing.
- Real-time Collaboration: Excel lacks the real-time collaboration feature. Google Sheets is the top spreadsheet application for team collaboration. With Excel, you might miss out on the live updates and multi-user editing features.
- Complex Charts Adjustments: If your Google Sheets file has complex charts, you may lose certain features during conversion. Adjusting broken charts and graphs in Excel requires advanced knowledge.
- Linked Google Data: Google Sheets can be integrated with other Google services like Google Forms or Google Finances. It can pull data from them to dynamically update the file.
Understanding these limitations can help you adjust your files for a smoother and easier conversion.
Q. Can I import a Google Sheets file into Excel without downloading the file?
Yes, you can import a Google Sheets file into Excel without downloading the file. You can use the Power Automate feature to transfer Google Sheets data to Excel automatically.
We have discussed the complete steps for using the Apps scripts in Google Sheets to update the file and upload it to Google Drive automatically.
Q. Will I lose data when I import Google Sheets to Excel?
Yes. Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel are both different applications with their strengths and weaknesses.
Converting a basic Google Sheets file (including limited tables, formulas, charts, and graphs) will not cause data loss.
Things get complicated when you wish to convert complex Google Sheets to Excel. You will find that specific formulas and graphs are broken. We have discussed a complete list of data types affected during Google Sheets to Microsoft Excel conversion.
Q. Do I need a paid subscription for Power Automate?
Google Sheets Power Automate has a free version with limited functionality. This feature allows you to automate your daily tasks.
But if you wish to use the advanced features, you may require a paid plan.
Q. How do you copy and paste from Google Sheets to Excel without losing formatting?
There is no perfect way of getting this job done. You can copy the table from the Google Sheets and follow the steps below,
- Open the desired Excel file
- Select a cell where you wish to paste the data
- Right-click
- Choose the first paste option that says “Keep Source Formatting (K)”
You will notice that the font styles, cell background colors, and border types have been copied according to our requirements.
The only thing that remains is the width of the columns and the height of the rows. You need to adjust it manually.
This means that you cannot copy the formatting as it is. The only way to do this is to export the Google Sheets in a compatible Excel file format.
To Summarize: Convert Google Sheets to Excel
We have seen how simple it is to import a Google Sheets file to Excel. It hardly takes a few minutes.
Keep in mind the benefits and limitations of Excel before importing a Google Sheets file.
Please comment below if you are stuck somewhere or have any particular issue while importing Google Sheets to Excel. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Also, check out our blog page to learn excellent tips and tricks for becoming a pro at both Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets.