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How to insert a Vertical line in word using shapes

In my previous post, I explained a step by step guide to inserting a horizontal line in Word.

Using the same steps in that guide can also be used to insert a vertical line in word.

Yet, in this post, I am going to explain another step by step guide on how you can insert a vertical line into Word.

This approach involved using MS Words ready-made shapes to draw any line of your choice including the vertical line.

Using shapes to insert lines into Word can be very flexible as it allows you to edit the length of the line any time the need arises. You can also reposition shapes anywhere in your document.

Without further ado, below are the steps you can follow to insert a vertical line in MS Word.

  • Go to Insert>Illustrations>Shapes
Go to Insert>Illustrations>Shapes
  • A library of shapes will show up. Look for the line shape and then click on It.
Click on the Line Shape
  • Click and drag Vertically to draw a vertical line at any location within the Word document.
Click where you want to draw the line and drag vertically
  • If you couldn’t drag the shape well, you may not get a perfect vertical line. In such a case, click on the edges of the line to re-position it well. You can also drag to move the line to a different location in your Word document.
Reduce or increase the length of the line or move it to a different place

Adding a Vertical line before text in Word

For the purpose of distinguishing a paragraph from the rest, you may want to add a vertical line before the paragraph text.

It’s possible!

Using the Left Border option in Word, you can simply place a very nice vertical line before any paragraph text in your Word document.

To do that, please obey the following steps:

  • First, Select the paragraph before which you want to insert the line.
Select the paragraph above which you wish to insert the line
  • Locate the Borders icon under the Home tab, in the Paragraph group.
How to inser a line in Word
  • Click on the small arrow beside the Borders icon.
Click on the drop down arrow beside the borders icon
  • A list of Border options appears, click to select the Left Border option.
Click to select the Left Border option

As soon as you hit the Left Border option, Word will insert a Vertical line before the selected paragraph.

Inserting a Vertical line after text in Word

You may also want to place a vertical line after a paragraph.

This task has almost the same steps as in the previous section.

Obey the instructions below to insert a vertical line after text in Word:

  • First, Select the paragraph text after which you want to insert the line.
Select the paragraph above which you wish to insert the line
  • Locate the Borders icon under the Home tab, in the Paragraph group.
How to inser a line in Word
  • Click on the small arrow beside the Borders icon.
Click on the drop down arrow beside the borders icon
  • A list of Border options appears, click to select the Right Border option.
Click to select the right border option to insert a vertical line after the paragraph

As soon as you hit the Right Border option, Word will insert a vertical line immediately after the selected paragraph.

These are the available ways you can insert a horizontal line in Word.