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How To Insert Roman Numerals And Page Numbers In Word

Long Microsoft Word documents such as detailed project quotations, student’s project works or thesis, proposals, annual reports, product manuals, technical white papers, and so on require formal features like page numbers to help the reader navigate the document easily.

In today’s article, we are going to explain everything you need to know to insert both Roman Numerals and English numbers (or Arabic numerals) as page numbers in one Microsoft Word document.

In Microsoft Word, you have the flexibility of choosing the page numbering style that works well for you. You are not limited to using only the standard or ordinary English numbers when numbering your pages.

Perhaps you want to use Roman numerals (e.g., i, ii, iii, iv, etc.) for numbering the introductory pages and then restart numbering with pages 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., for the main content.

This is exactly what this article is about.

In the first section, we will look at how to insert the roman numerals as page numbers in Word. Then comes the second section where we talked about how to insert the normal English numbers (or Arabic numerals) as page numbers. Then in the third section, we will discuss how to combine these two number formats in the same document.

You can use the Table of Content below to navigate around this page.

Let’s dive right in.

Section 1: How to Insert Roman Numerals as Page Numbers in Word

To insert Roman Numerals as page numbers in Microsoft Word, first, you need to insert the default page numbers, then convert them into Roman numerals using the Page Number Format settings.

The below steps will show you everything with screenshots.

Step 1. First, Specify the location you want to insert the page numbers in MS Word

There are two popular places to enter the page number in a Word document: the header and the footer. I often prefer the footer section to enter page numbers.

Inserting Page numbers in the Header section in MS Word
Inserting Page numbers in the Footer section in MS Word

Step 2. Add the page numbers

To add page numbers in Word, first, go to the Insert tab of MS Word.

On this tab, in the Header & Footer section, click on the Page Number drop-down button.

Then select either the “Top of Page” or “Bottom of Page” option in the drop-down list. This will create page numbering in the header or footer section of your Word document respectively.

Step 3. Convert The Page Numbers Into Roman numerals

After inserting the page numbers, it’s now time to convert them to Roman Numerals.

To do so, click on the Page Number drop-down again.

In the drop-down list, you will find an option called “Format Page Numbers“, Click on this option.

Clicking on the Format Page Numbers option will open a small popup window in your Word document.

Click on the “Number Format” drop-down.

From the drop-down list, select the Roman Numeral number format and save your document settings by clicking on the OK button.

At this stage, the pages in your document should be numbered with the Roman numerals number format.

Section 2: Walkthrough on Adding the Normal English page numbers in Word

The above section discussed how you may add roman numerals as page numbers in MS Word.

In this section, we are going to brush through how to insert the normal English page numbers (or Arabic Numerals) in Word.

If you already learn how to do this from the previous section, you can quickly jump to the next section on how to use both number formats to number pages on different sections in the same MS Word.

Let’s dive right into it.

Step 1. Click on the Insert tab

Open your document in Microsoft Word, and then click on the Insert tab at the top of the screen.

Step 2. Click on “Page Number” from the “Header & Footer” section

In the Insert tab, you will see the “Header & Footer” section. In the header and footer section, you will see the option “Page Number”.

Click on this “page number” drop-down button.

Step 3. Select the location where you want to place the page number

On clicking on this drop-down, you will see some more options. In which you will be asked to specify the location to enter the page number. 

In most documents, the page number is inserted in the header or footer.

Select where you want your page number to appear.

Step 4. Select either the Top of Page or Bottom of page

Click on the “Top of Page” or “Bottom of Page” option to insert the page number in the header or footer, then select the style you want (whether to insert it in the center, left, right, etc.).

These are the steps you need to take to insert page numbers in Microsoft Word.

Section 3: How to Add Different Page Numbers to Different Sections in the same document

This section will finally show you how to insert Roman Numerals and Page Numbers In Word.

For example, you can use Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) to number the main document, then Roman numerals (I, II, III, etc.) for the introductory sections like the table of contents, glossary, Acknowledgment, etc.

To be able to achieve this in Microsoft Word, you’ll need to use the section break feature to separate the document into sections. This will give you the flexibility to number pages with different number formats in the same document.

Without any further ado, let’s get into it.

Step 1. Divide your document into sections

First, you need to open your desired Word document where you need to insert the Roman numerals and Arabic numerals as page numbers.

Place your insertion pointer at where the roman numerals will end or where regular page numbers will start.

On the Layout tab, click on the “Breaks” option.

Step 2. From the drop-down menu select the “Next Page” option

 A drop-down menu will open.

From this menu, click on the “Next Page” option under the Section Breaks category.

As the description indicates, this section break begins a new section on the next page.

Step 3. Select Link to Previous from the “Header & Footer” tab

Now, to change the format of the page numbers in the new section you created, you must disconnect the link between the new section and the previous section of your document.

To do so, double click on the header or footer of the new section from where you want the regular page numbers to appear.

Once you are into the Header or Footer, the Header & Footer tab will get activated.

Under this tab, go to the Navigation section and click on the Link to Previous button to deselect it.

Step 4. Now, change the page numbers of the First Section to Roman Numerals

At this point, you can change the page numbers of the first section to Roman Numerals without it affecting the entire document.

To do so, double-click to activate the Header or Footer section where the page number is, then select the page number and right-click on it.

This will give you some options. One of these options is to click on the “Format Page Numbers” option.

Clicking on the Format Page Numbers option will open a small popup window in your Word document.

Click on the “Number Format” drop-down.

From the drop-down list, select the Roman Numeral number format and save your document settings by clicking on the OK button.

At this stage, the pages in the first section of your document should be numbered with the Roman numerals number format.

Meanwhile, the second section of the document will maintain the regular pager numbering format.

Section 4: How to Make Page Numbering Not Appear on the First Page of a Document

Removing page numbers from the first page of a document or section can be a helpful way to make your document look more professional. 

It is also useful if you want to avoid repeating numbers on multiple pages (for example, if your document has chapters that begin on odd-numbered pages). 

With a few simple steps, you can remove page numbering from the first page of your document or section, giving it a clean and polished look. 

So, follow these steps to remove the page number from the first page or from your specific page in MS Word.

Step 1. Open the Word document and double click on the header section

Open the required document of your MS Word. And double click on the header or footer section of the first page where you have inserted the page number.

Step 2. Click on “Different First Page” to remove page number

In the “Header & Footer” tab, you will find the “Different First Page” button in the “Options” section which you will select. Selecting it will remove the number from your first page.

The “Different First Page” option enables you to enter different content for your header and footer on the first page of a document. 

Frequently Asked Questions about Inserting Roman Numerals and Page Numbers in Word

How do I insert the Page Number and footer at the same time?

How do I insert Page Numbers and a footer all at once? If you want to add page numbers and a footer to your document, there’s an easy way to do it all at once. Here’s how:

1. Open the document in Microsoft Word.

2. Go to the Insert tab.

3. In the Header & Footer section, click on the Page Number button.

4. A drop-down menu will appear. Choose the location of the page number (top of the page, bottom of the page, or page margin).

5. The page number will be inserted where you selected.

6. To add a footer, go to the Insert tab and click on the Footer button.

7. A drop-down menu will appear. Choose the location of the footer (top of the page, bottom of the page, or page margin).

8. The footer will be inserted where you selected. Add text or objects to the footer as desired. When you’re finished, click on the Close Header and Footer button (or press Esc) to close it. That’s all there is to it! Now you know how to add both page numbers and a footer to your document all at once.

What Is The Importance Of Adding Roman Numerals In Word?

When you type a number in Microsoft Word, the program automatically formats it as Arabic numerals. This is the standard way to write numbers in most of the world. However, there are occasions when it might be necessary to use Roman numerals. Here are some reasons why you might want to add Roman numerals to your documents:

1. They’re easy to grasp: Roman numerals are one of the simplest numbering systems there is, which makes them easy to understand and use, even for complex documents.

2. They’re highly visible: The large, distinct characters of Roman numerals make them very easy to spot in a document, which can be helpful when you’re trying to find a specific section quickly.

3. They add professionalism: Roman numerals have a long history of using informal documents, so adding them to your MS Word document can give it a more polished, professional look.

4. They’re flexible: Unlike other numbering systems, Roman numerals can be used in a variety of ways, such as listing chapters sequentially (I, II, III, etc.), or using them to indicate page numbers (XIII in the case of this article). This flexibility can be useful when you need to number sections in a non-standard way.

5. They’re easy to update: If you need to add or remove sections from your document, Roman numerals can be easily updated to reflect the new numbering scheme.

In short, Roman numerals offer a number of advantages over other numbering systems, making them a valuable addition to any MS Word document.

What Is The Importance Of Adding Page Numbering In MS Word?

Adding page numbers to your document is important for a few reasons. 

First, it helps your reader keep track of their place within the document. 

Second, it allows you to easily reference specific pages or sections within the document. 

Lastly, page numbering can help you organize your thoughts and information when creating a table of contents. 

There are a few different ways to add page numbers in MS Word, so be sure to explore all the options to find the best fit for your needs. 

Regardless of which method you choose, adding page numbers to your document is a helpful way to keep your information organized and easy to reference.

Final Thoughts on Inserting Roman Numerals and Page Numbers in Word

That’s all there is to it! Now I hope you know better how to insert or put Roman numerals and page numbers in your Word document. How to put Roman Numerals and page numbers in different styles and on different pages in this article. These methods are verified and checked before writing the article. 

With these methods, you will need a few minutes to insert the page numbers and Roman Numerals into the Word document and your document will look more professional than before. If you like this article, be sure to share it with your friends on social media accounts. Thanks for reading!