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How to Install Fonts in Windows 10 (Download New Fonts)

In Windows 10, MS Office to be specific, an entire family of fonts is usually referred to as a Typeface (like Times New Roman). People also prefer using font style or font type.

And “Font” as a word, is reserved for a combination of different features such as font style, size, color and weight (like Arial, 12 pt, Red, Bold).

Therefore, the word “Font” in Windows 10 often means a whole family of display features such as the typeface, color, weight, and/or size.

If this distinction makes sense to you, let’s now see how we can explore the list of font styles in Windows 10 as well as how to add new font types or typefaces.

List of fonts in Windows 10 as Displayed using MS Word

When you install fonts in Windows 10, they appear in the font group of any app like MS Office or Adobe Photoshop that make use of the Fonts library,

Below is an illustration of the various fonts and how they look when applied.

list of fonts in Windows 10
list of fonts in Windows 10
list of fonts in Windows 10

List of Windows 10 Fonts

Below is the list of All fonts in Windows 10. The above pictures are illustrations of how these fonts look like.

Abadi MT Condensed LightImpact
Albertus Extra BoldIncised901 Bd BT
Albertus MediumIncised901 BT
AllegroIncised901 Lt BT
Amazone BTInformal011 BT
AmerType Md BTJester
Antique OliveKabel Bk BT
ArialKabel Ult BT
Arial BlackKaufmann Bd BT
Arial MTKaufmann BT
Arial NarrowKorinna BT
Arrus BTLetter Gothic
Aurora Cn BTLithograph
AvantGarde Bk BTLithograph Light
AvantGarde Md BTLong Island
BankGothic Md BTLucida Console
BazookaLucida Handwriting
Benguiat Bk BTLucida Sans
BernhardFashion BTLucida Sans Unicode
BernhardMod BTLydian BT
Book AntiquaMarket
Bookman Old StyleMatisse ITC
BoulderMonotype Corsiva
Bremen Bd BTMS LineDraw
Calisto MTNews GothicMT
CalligrapherNewsGoth BT
CaslonOpnface BTOCR A Extended
Century GothicOld Century
Century SchoolbookOnyx BT
CezanneOzHandicraft BT
CG OmegaPegasus
CG TimesPickwick
Charter Bd BTPosterBodoni BT
Charter BTPTBarnum BT
ChelthmITC Bk BTRibbon131 Bd BT
Clarendon CondensedSceptre
CloisterBlack BTSerifa BT
Comic Sans MSSerifa Th BT
Copperplate Gothic BoldShelleyVolante BT
Copperplate Gothic LightSherwood
CopperplGoth Bd BTSignboard
CoronetSouvenir Lt BT
CourierStaccato222 BT
Courier NewSteamer
DenmarkSwis721 BlkEx BT
English 111 Vivace BTSwiss911 XCm BT
EngraversGothic BTTahoma
Exotc350 Bd BTTechnical
Freefrm721 Blk BTTempus Sans ITC
FrnkGothITC Bk BTTimes
Futura Bk BTTimes New Roman
Futura Lt BTTimes New Roman PS
Futura Md BTTrebuchet MS
Futura ZBlk BTTristan
FuturaBlack BTTubular
Galliard BTTypoUpright BT
Geometr231 BTUnivers Condensed
Geometr231 Hv BTVagabond
Geometr231 Lt BTVerdana
GeoSlab 703 Lt BTWestminster
GeoSlab 703 XBd BTZapfEllipt BT
GoudyHandtooled BTZapfHumnst BT
GoudyOLSt BTZapfHumnst Dm BT
HaettenschweilerZurich BlkEx BT
HeatherZurich Ex BT
HelveticaHumanst521 Lt BT
HeraldHumanst521 BT
Humanst 521 Cn BT 

How to add new fonts to Windows 10

Despite the fact that Windows 10 has plenty of font styles, you may need to add new fancy fonts into your PC.

You have no problem because, in this tutorial, I will show how to add any new font into Windows 10 and use it in your projects.

However, there are several ways you can add new fonts in Windows 10. I’ll go through each option one after the other here in this article.

Option 1: Using the Microsoft Windows Store

Using the Microsoft Windows Store, you can add new fonts into Windows 10 that will appear on your various Windows applications including MS Office apps.

The steps are outlined below:

  • Connect your PC to the internet since you are going to download the fonts you want to install.
  • Go to Settings on your PC

To open settings on your PC, type settings in the search bar and press the Enter key.

Go to Windows Settings
  • Click on Fonts > Get more fonts in Microsoft Store
Go to Fonts>Get More Fonts

After clicking on Get more fonts, the Microsoft Store will open with a list of available fonts in the store.

  • Browse through the new fonts. Once you find the font you want to add, click on it to go to the Download page.
The library of Fonts will Appear
  • When you get to the download page, click on the Get button to download the font.
Click on the Get button to download that font onto Windows 10

Of course, some of the fonts aren’t free. Some of them require you to make a little contribution before you can download it. If you don’t have a budget for that, keep exploring for the free fonts instead.

After completing the above steps, the downloaded font family will be available in your Windows 10 apps such as Word and the other office apps like Excel or PowerPoint.

Option 2: Using the Font Installer

Microsoft Store doesn’t have lots of fonts. Therefore, you may not get the font you are looking for.

However, you can download whatever new font you want from other sources and install it into Windows 10.

Obey the steps below:

  • Download the font you wish to add to Windows 10.

Download Fonts Here: AbstractFonts.Com

There are several places you can download awesome fonts from. The above link also has a lot of amazing free fonts for you to explore. Click here for more resources on free fonts.

  • After downloading the new font you want to add, browse to the folder that has the font file.

Note: The font may be in a zip file. If that’s the case, you should unzip the file first.

  • Right-Click on the font file. A shortcut menu will appear, select Install or Install for all users.
rightclick on the font file and select install or Install for all users

After applying all the steps above, the installed font will now be available in your list of fonts in Windows 10 and the other office apps.

The install font will be added to your Windows 10 library of fonts

These are the various ways you may add new fonts into Windows 10.

For any reason, if the font you install is not displaying where you need it, I advise that you restart your PC.