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Registered Trademark alt code [®]: Copy and Paste

The Registered Trademark Alt Code is 0174.

You can use the following button to copy and paste the Registered trademark (®) symbol into your Document.

Registered TradeMarkAlt Code
Registered Symbol Alt Code

Obey the instructions below to type the Registered Trademark on a Windows PC using this alt code:

  • Step 1: Place your insertion pointer where you need to type the ® symbol.
  • Step 2: Press and hold the Alt key on your keyboard.
  • Step 3: Whilst you press and hold the Alt key, using the numeric keypad, type the Registered symbol’s alt code (0174).
  • Step 4: Release the Alt key after typing the Alt code.
Typing registered symbol on Keyboard illustration

Note that you must use the numeric keypad to type the alt code (0174). You must also turn on your NumLock key to be able to use the numeric keypad. If you are using a Laptop that does not have the numeric keypad, you can press Fn+NmLk keys simultaneously to turn on the hidden numeric keypad for laptops with smaller keyboards.  

This is how you may use the Alt Code method to type the Registered Trademark symbol anywhere on your Windows PC including Microsoft Word, Excel, One Note, Sticky Note, PowerPoint or even somewhere on your browsers like Google Docs or Word Online.

However, there is a different method to use this code to get the Registered symbol in Excel. It involved the use of the CHAR() function.

Obey the following instructions to use the CHAR function to insert this sign [®] in Excel:

  • First step, click to activate the cell that will contain the ® symbol.
  • Next step, type =CHAR( and then add the Registered symbol alt code. The complete formula should look like this: =CHAR(0174) OR =CHAR(174).
  • After typing this formula, press Enter for the results.
Registered symbol in Excel

What if you don’t want only the Registered symbol in the cell? Maybe you want it to be attached to a word or name, say GOOGLE®.

Using the Concatenate feature in Excel, you can join both the text and the CHAR function in one cell. This way you can get the name and the symbol both in the same cell.

Registered symbol in Excel

Let’s say we really want to type GOOGLE® into our cell. To do so, consider the steps below:

  • Specify the cell you that will contain the content.
  • Type =”GOOGLE ”& into the cell. The & operator is what will join the text and the symbol.
  • Now type the Registered symbol formula which is CHAR(174).
  • The complete formula should look like this: =”GOOGLE”&CHAR(174)

After typing the formula, press the enter key to get GOOGLE® in the specified cell.

NOTE: Using the alt code method discussed in the beginning, you can easily type the Registered symbol anywhere including Word and Excel. However, the CHAR function is just an alternative way you can get the symbol in Excel.

Registered trademark symbol shortcut for Mac

The registered trademark symbol shortcut for Mac is [Option]+[R].

To type this symbol on Mac, press and hold the Option key whilst you press on the letter R once on your keyboard.

Registered Trademark symbol shortcut for Mac