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Character Symbols Shortcuts in Word for Mac

If you are using a Mac computer, the table below will help you find shortcuts to type some special symbols in Microsoft Word.

To use these shortcuts, Hold down the Option key, or the Shift key, or both, then type the specified character.

For example, to type the delta symbol, press Option + J.

Symbol NameSymbolShortcut in Mac
BulletOption + 8
Copyright©Option + g
DaggerOption + t
Double daggerShift + Option + 7
EllipsisOption + ;
Em dashShift + option + –
En dashOption + –
Paragraph markOption + 7
Single curly leftOption + ]
Single curly rightShift + Option + ]
Double curly leftOption + [
Double curly rightShift + Option + [
Single left guillemetShift + Option + 3
Single right guillemetShift + Option + 4
Double left guillemet«Option + \
right guillemet»SHIFT + Option + \
Registered®Option + r
Section§Option + 6
Spanish exclamation¡Option + !
Spanish question mark¿Option + ?
TrademarkOption + 2
Degree°Shift + Option + 8
Division÷Option + /
ApproximatelyOption + X
Greater than or Equal to Option + . (Period)
Less than or Equal toOption + , (Comma)
Not EqualOption + =
InfinityOption + 5
IntegralOption + b
Partial differentialOption + d
Per thousandShift + Option + r
Plus or minus±Shift + option + =
RadicalOptoin + V
Raised dot·Shift + option + 9
SummationOption + W
DeltaΔ δOption + J
OmegaΩ ωOPTION + W
PiΠ πOption + P
SigmaΣ σOPTION + W
Cent¢Option + 4
EuroShift + option + 2
FlorinƑOption + F
Pound£Option + 3
Yen¥Option + Y
CedillaÇShift + option + C
CedillaçOPTION + C
N + tildeÑOption + N, N
Norwegian OØShift + option + O
Norwegian OøOption + O
A + EÆShift + option + ‘
a + eæOption + ‘
O + EŒShift + OPTION + Q
o + eœOPTION + Q

These are the keyboard shortcuts you can use to enter all these symbols into Word on Mac.