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Thinkific vs. LearnWorlds: Which is A better Online Course platform?

Are you looking for the best course creation platform that allows you to create, host, and sell online courses seamlessly?

You’re lucky today as we have put together a thorough guide on how Thinkific stacks up against LearnWorlds.

So if you’re wondering which of these platforms ticks all your boxes and is perfect for your business, you’re welcome to read further as we give you a more detailed dive.

To start with, always remember that Thinkific and LearnWorlds are slightly built for different audiences.

For instance, Thinkific is a brilliant platform for beginners looking to kick off their online course selling business. Not just that, the platform doesn’t require users to have any technical skills before they can start creating and selling their courses.

On the flip side, LearnWorlds is perfect for larger businesses, course providers, and corporations looking for access to more sophisticated features geared toward giving them an edge. So at the end of the day, your business needs will determine which platform you should go for.

From course creation to customer support to ease of use to educational benefits and more, Both Thinkific and LearnWorlds perform excellently.

So with this in mind, it’s almost impossible to choose a clear winner, mainly because both of these LMS platforms are good at what they do.

At the end of the day, it all boils down to what works best for you or what you’re looking to achieve with your course selling business.

LearnWorlds offers access to a premium platform where creators have seamless access to basic and advanced tools designed to give them an edge.

On the flip side, Thinkific is super easy to use and a perfect option for beginners or single course creators looking to kick off their online course selling business.

Another area we want to draw your attention to is that both platforms offer free options. While Thinkific has a free plan you can explore to gauge their services, LearnWorlds, on the other hand, has a free trial you can also use to test their services.

So in case you’re confused about which of these platforms to sign up for, we strongly encourage you to sign up on both platforms and see how they stack up individually.

Access The Free Trials Now

Now let’s give you a brief background of these platforms, starting with LearnWorlds.

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LearnWorlds: Product overview

Thinkific vs LearnWorlds: : LearnWorlds Website

LearnWorlds kicked off operations in 2014. It started as a relatively small platform for course providers and has grown into one of the most sophisticated LMS platforms.

Thanks to funding and sophisticated marketing, LearnWorlds is arguably one of the biggest online course-selling platforms.

From providing access to sophisticated marketing tools to making the process of course creation a seamless experience, LearnWorlds is appealing to millions of creators looking for a platform that makes their business easy and successful.

From small to single creators to large multi-million dollar companies, LearnWorlds caters to a large variety of creators.

Some of their advanced features and plans are perfect for larger course providers.

LearnWorlds currently has over 5,000 customers in more than 120 countries, including SMBs, single edupreneurs, big corporate sellers of online courses, and startups who provide online training for their employees and customers.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, LearnWorlds announced a $32M in growth funding from insight Partners. The fund was disbursed to help creators design and sell courses during the pandemic.

Looking at this gesture, you’ll agree that LearnWorlds isn’t just dedicated to making a profit but also deliberate about making the world a better place.

Thinkific: Product Overview

Thinkific vs LearnWorlds: Thinkific Website

Thinkific is one of the leading LMS platforms out there. The company kicked off operation in 2012 and has become a force to reckon with.

Unlike LearnWorlds, which is designed for larger businesses and corporations, Thinkific is especially suited for individuals looking to set up a thriving online course-selling business.

The company currently has over 100 employees and rakes in an estimated $15M per year in revenue.

One of the areas where Thinkfic outshines other LMS platforms is its ease of use. Providing seamless access to a powerful drag-and-drop course builder, anyone, regardless of their experience and technical know-how, can leverage this platform to create and sell online courses.

While both platforms have many similarities, one of the significant differences between Thinkific and LearnWorlds is their target audience. Although LearnWorlds sells itself as a premium course-building platform, Thinkific says it is designed for individuals looking to scale their online course-selling business.

Thinkific vs. LearnWorlds: Course Creation

Before you opt for any LMS platform, it’s essential to check out their course creation process.

Trust us when we say you don’t want to sign up for a platform only to realize later that its course creation process is tricky and challenging. That’s why we are using this moment to give you an insight into the course creation process of both platforms, starting with LearnWorlds.

Course Creation With LearnWorlds

Building Awesome courses with LearnWorlds

To start with, the course creation process of LearnWorlds is one of the finest we have come.

Having explored different LMS platforms, particularly their course creation process, we have concluded that LearnWorlds makes things easy for creators. So whether you have been creating and selling courses for a while or just starting, rest assured that you’ll have your courses out sooner than you realize with LearnWorlds.

While we agree that their course creation interface can be confusing, once you get the hang of it, you’ll discover that everything works smoothly.

Where LearnWorlds stand out from other platforms is that they allow creators to add interactive videos to their courses. This has been shown to improve students’ learning experience significantly.

Thanks to the course creation tools offered by LearnWorlds, you can create and put out courses within a few minutes. Whether you want to create simple courses or looking to launch more sophisticated courses, rest assured that LearnWorlds has everything you’ll ever need to make the entire process smooth.

Course Creation With Thinkific

Thinkific Graphics, Take your coaching to the next level

Regarding course creation, Thnikific has an impressive resume, which is almost impossible to believe. But after leveraging the platform to create courses, we can indeed say that the platform is worth all the hype and more. To be honest, we were pleasantly shocked at how easy it was to create courses.

Using the platform’s powerful drag-and-drop builder, you can choose various files and throw them into the course you’re building. What’s more exciting is that creators also get the chance to add a variety of multimedia to their courses.

Another area where Thinkific stands out for us is its drip content feature. This brilliant feature allows creators to make the most out of their courses. With Drip content, for instance, you can make it mandatory for students to go through parts of your courses before they can view the next chapter.

Our verdict: For this category, there is no obvious winner, and that’s because each platform performs superbly in course creation. And yes, they offer access to sophisticated course builder tools that make the entire course creation process seamless. That said, LearnWorlds has more powerful course builder tools, including gamification, interactive videos, and SCORM files.

Thinkific vs. LearnWorlds: Ease of use

Many creators focus solely on ease of use when looking for an online learning platform. And to be honest, that’s pretty important as you don’t want to end up with a platform that is challenging to navigate.

While both platforms are super easy to use, we would love to break things down even further by closely looking at how easy they are to use, especially regarding course creation. So, we will kick off our comparison with LearnWorlds.


LearnWorlds Ease of Use

Even though many professionals seem to think that LearnWorlds has a sophisticated interface that is quite intimidating for beginners, there is no denying the fact that there is so much information you need to process on the home page.

But once you delve deeper into course creation, you will soon realize how easy it is to navigate the platform. Sure, the analytic reporting tools may be intimidating and daunting when you start out, but as you explore the platform, you’ll get the hang of how everything works.

The only caveat with this platform is that it doesn’t currently offer robust customer support or access to tutorials. This makes the platform a bit more complex than other alternatives out there.


Thinkific vs. LearnWorlds: Ease of use

As we mentioned earlier, Thinkific has one of the most intuitive and easy-to-use course builders we have ever encountered. Thanks to its powerful drag-and-drop functionality, creators can seamlessly put out their courses in a matter of minutes.

When navigating this platform, particularly the course creation section, you’ll find it easy to use. All you ever need to do is upload your course content and drag it to your course. It’s that easy. Plus, the platform provides access to detailed instruction manuals and documentation files to make your job easy.

Our verdict: Regarding ease of use, both platforms aren’t doing so badly. But to be honest, Thinkific takes the winner’s trophy for this category. And the reason is that the LearnWorlds interface is pretty daunting for beginners. In terms of course creation, Thinkific makes the entire process a walk in the park.

Thinkific vs. LearnWorlds: Integrations and features

While it’s okay to opt for an LMS platform that is easy to use, beyond ease of use, you should also look for a platform that provides access to robust features and integrations. Here is how LearnWorlds and Thinkific stack up in terms of integrations and features.


Thinkific vs. LearnWorlds: Integrations and features

Sure, LearnWorlds is one of the premium platforms that provides access to powerful tools you’ll need to scale your business. But despite being a premium platform, you’ll still need access to additional integrations if your goal is to scale your business.

While LearnWorld’s basic plan provides access to powerful integration tools, you’ll need to opt for their premium plans if you want better integrations and features.

Right now, LearnWorlds offers seamless integrations for popular email marketing tools like MailChimp, Zapier, SumoMe, Google Analytics, Hubspot, Mixpanel, and many other brilliant tools all designed to give you an edge in a highly competitive business page.

In terms of supported features, we can say that LearnWorlds offers access to brilliant features you’ll not find on many course creation platforms. For instance, creators can leverage interactive videos, SSO, SCORM files, and more when creating courses. And besides providing support for over 20 admins, LearnWorlds also doesn’t charge transaction fees.


Thinkific vs. LearnWorlds: Integrations and features

Thinkific stands out from other platforms in many areas. In terms of integration tools, Thinkific offers more options than is available on other platforms. Some of the email integration tools available on Thinkific include ConstantContact, AWeber, MailChimp, and ConvertKit. In addition to all these, Thinkific also offers Zapier Integration. Thanks to this, creators can access over 1000 plus additional integrations.

As if that’s not enough, the platform also supports popular integration tools like Infusionsoft and ActiveCampaign, which is excellent for marketing your courses.

While these features and integrations are readily available on Thikific, keep in mind that your access to these tools depends on your plan. For instance, Thinkific’s basic plan will unlock access to myriads of brilliant features, including drip content, custom domains, customer support, and more.

Our verdict: While each of these platforms does a brilliant job with its features and integration tools, we have come to the conclusion that LearnWorlds stand out in this regard. Thanks to advanced plans and additional features provided by LearnWirlds, very few platforms can go shoulder to shoulder with LearnWorlds at the moment.

For creators who have always wanted a platform that offers seamless integrations and access to advanced features deliberately designed for scaling their business, you’ll be hard-picked to find any platform better than LearnWorlds at the moment.

Thinkific vs. LearnWorlds: Website design and landing page builder

Before deciding which course platform ticks your boxes, an important area you want to focus on is exploring the website building capabilities and design of your preferred online course platform. If you are particularly interested in a white-labeled platform, it’s crucial that you opt for a platform that lets you seamlessly customize the look and feel that suits your brand.

Both Thinkific and LearnWords provide access to an easy-to-use system that allows creators to build and customize their learning websites to suit their brands.

In terms of performance, we like to think that LearnWords offer a more sophisticated, robust, and modern website builder. What’s incredibly unique about their website builder is the variety of templates available on the platform. More so, LearnWorlds grants creators complete control over the elements of each page.

Here are some areas of similarities between Thinkific and LearnWorlds when it comes to website building capabilities

  • Both platforms allow users to build eLearning websites and blogs.
  • Users can edit the HTML/CSS properties of their website to customize how their brand looks.
  • Both platforms allow seamless integrations with custom domains
  • They both offer free SSL certificates to boost security.

Notwithstanding, there are some clear distinctions between both platforms, and we will look at each of these platforms individually to outline their differences.


Thinkific vs. LearnWorlds: Website design and landing page builder

LearnWorlds website builder tool gives you complete control over design. And yes, you have access to various templates you can deploy for brand customization. In addition, you get access to up to 8 full website templates. And yes, you also have complete control over the color as well as the option to design your own templates.

Another thing you get with LearnWorlds that you don’t seem to get with other LMS platforms is the ability to control what users can see in specific areas within your website. For instance, let’s say you have an offer for non-buyers; what you can do is show a particular zone to registered users who are yet to purchase. This means users who have purchased will not see that zone.


Thinkific has done an impressive job with its website builder tool. What many users love about their website builder is its ease of use. But compared to LearnWorlds, users have minimal templates to play with. And in terms of customization options, Thinkific doesn’t come close to LearnWorlds. While LearnWorlds offers a variety of templates you can play around with, you have limited options with Thinkific.

That said, Thinkific isn’t performing too badly in this regard, and many users have used their limited options to set up high-performing course-selling websites. For people who like to keep things simple, Thinkific hasn’t disappointed them.

Our verdict: When it comes to setting up a thriving e-learning website for selling online courses, LearnWorlds stand out for obvious reasons. With a platform like LearnWorlds, you can set up your website with just a few clicks, and that’s because of the incredible amounts of templates available to creators.

Thinkific vs. LearnWorlds: Quizzes and testing

If you plan to have an online course-selling platform that caters to the needs of diverse students, it’s important you have some kind of testing in place. This will help your students gauge their performance and overall progress.

With testing in place, it’s easy for creators to know how their students are fairing. Also, testing is a great way to know how to award certificates to students when they complete a course. Let’s see how Thinkific and LearnWorlds perform in this category.


Thinkific vs. LearnWorlds: Quizzes and testing

When it comes to quizzes and testing in general, Thinkific allows course creators to use ungraded quizzes and surveys. And guess what, this option is available on whatever plan you opt for, so you don’t have to sign up for Thinkific’s most expensive package before you can start deploying these options on your website.

And when you sign up for Thinkific’s higher plan, you can create assignments for your students and give certificates for course completions.

If you want more advanced testing, you’ll have to sign-up for Thinkific’s Growth Package. With this option, you’ll unlock access to Brillium exams integration. Using this integration, you can create more customized exams that include time limits, attempt caps, and other unique features.


With LearnWorlds, creators can explore more expansive testing features. And the cool part is that they won’t need to do any integration to make this happen. This allows course creators to offer an insane variety of informal and formal quizzes. And yes, these quizzes can be either graded or ungraded.

Another thing users seem to love about LearnWorlds is that the platform allows them to use either open or closed-type questionnaires. This option makes it easy to create a question bank with a wide variety of questions. You can also connect this question bank to multiple tests or courses and offer randomized testing to your students.

With LearnWorlds, you can offer assignments to your students. This is super important if you plan to test for critical thinking. After students must have completed a course, LearnWorlds also allow you to offer branded digital certificates. The cool thing about all this is that the certificates can be personalized or customized as you want.

Our verdict: For this category, we don’t have a clear-cut winner as both platforms performed exceptionally well when it comes to tests and quizzes. The only issue we have about both platforms is that you must sign up for the premium plans to unlock some features like offering certificates on course completion.

Thinkfic vs. LearnWorlds: Community

Community is an important feature you’ll find on LMS platforms. This feature allows students to connect and track their progress. It also keeps them motivated. While Thinkific and LearnWorlds offer community features, let’s dive deeper to see how both platforms perform in this regard.


Thinkfic vs. LearnWorlds: Community

Thinkfic has a robust community feature that makes it easy to keep track of students’ progress. The feature is also crucial for keeping your students motivated.

Using the community feature, you can send both automated and personalized check-ins. You can also set email reminders to motivate and encourage your students.

For instance, you can set a virtual high five for accomplishing a certain milestone. This is a brilliant way to keep your students motivated.

What’s even more exciting is that this option allows you to create discussion forums and communities where your students can easily engage with one another. While you get the chance to have one community with the Pro plan, you can set up multiple communities for different courses if you include the growth package in your existing plan.


Thinkfic vs. LearnWorlds: Community

Without mincing words, the LearnWorlds community feature is one of the best we have encountered in this space so far. What is so unique about their community feature is that they offer a built-in social network. Not just that, they also integrate complete public profiles of all your students.

This option allows you to set up a real community where students can easily share tips and ideas. With a robust community feature like the one available on LearnWorlds, your students can easily discuss troubleshooting issues and any problems they may be having. And yes, it also provides them with an opportunity to share their experiences. As if that’s not enough, the community feature provided by LearnWorlds makes it easy for students to interact with you.

There is no denying that this adds extra value and depth to your online course business. With the community feature provided by LearnWorlds, students aren’t only getting access to your lessons and resources, but they also get to speak to you without a hassle.

In addition to all of these, the community feature on LearnWorlds provides a clear-cut opportunity for students to network with each other.

Our verdict: We appreciate that both Thinkific and LearnWorlds offer community features that improve students’ overall experience. But if we are to pick a winner for this category, we would definitely choose LearnWorlds as they offer a more unique proposition. For instance, their community feature includes a built-in social network, which is something you won’t find on a platform like Thinkific. And in terms of more immersive community experience, LearnWorlds comes top.

Thinkific vs. LearnWorlds: Marketing

When setting up an online course selling business, most creators opt for a platform that provides them access to sophisticated marketing tools. However, one thing we want you to know right from the get-go is that both Thinkific and LearnWorlds lag behind other platforms in terms of marketing. To this end, you’ll need to integrate other third-party tools for managing an email list, creating and setting up sales funnels as well as performing other marketing tasks.

So before choosing between Thinkific and LearnWorlds, here is how both platforms perform in terms of marketing.


Thinkific vs. LearnWorlds: Marketing

Though Thinkfic may not offer robust marketing tools for scaling your business, we love that the platform allows users to integrate third-party tools. And yes, the platform enables you to set up your own affiliate structure. This is a brilliant feature for scaling up sales and generating leads for your business. And because affiliates receive commissions for making sales, you can expect this option to bring in multiple sales daily.

Another thing we love about Thinkific’s marketing option is that creators get the chance to offer coupons, upsells, and other promotion options to drive sales.

While opting for Thinkific’s Growth package provides you an opportunity to send bulk emails to multiple students simultaneously, you’re still better off opting for third-party marketing tools like Aweber and MailChimp.


Thinkific vs. LearnWorlds: Marketing

Despite not performing as robust as other LMS platforms in terms of marketing, there is no denying the fact that LearnWorlds offer access to some of the best marketing tools you’ll need to set up a successful course-selling business. Though they are not enough, you’ll be happy to learn that they allow users to integrate third-party marketing tools effortlessly.

And just like Thinkific, LearnWorlds also has a sophisticated affiliate feature you can deploy to boost sales and push your business to the next level.

Even though LearnWorlds allows you to build landing pages and lead magnets, we are not super impressed with their options as they currently don’t offer users the necessary tools to create complete sales funnels.

Our verdict: Though Thinkific and LearnWorlds lag in this area when compared to other platforms, but since we are comparing both of these platforms, it’s safe to say Thinkific stands out from LearnWorlds in terms of marketing, and that’s because you have more marketing tools on Thinkific than you have on LearnWorlds.

Thinkific vs. LearnWorlds: Pricing

Choosing the best online course platform for your business can be challenging. And while pricing shouldn’t be one of the determining factors for choosing a platform, it is still a smart move to opt for a platform that is affordable and offers value for money spent.

Here is a quick breakdown of how Thinkific and LearnWorldss compare in terms of pricing plans, transaction fees, membership, and others.


Thinkific vs. LearnWorlds: Pricing

Thinkific offers some of the most competitive pricing we have come across in this space. Here are some of their plans and how much it would cost you to subscribe.

  • Free plan: If you want to test the waters and explore some of Thinkific’s remarkable features, you’re welcome to explore this excellent plan. To start with, this plan is offered free of charge, so it won’t cost you a dime. And despite being free, this plan unlocks access to some of the platform’s best features. For instance, opting for this plan will allow you to create up to 3 courses. And yes, you also get to offer these courses to unlimited students. Besides hosting your content on the platform, you can also incorporate surveys, assignments, and quizzes to improve students learning experience.
  • Basic plan: This plan is quite affordable and costs only $39 per month. While this plan includes all of the features available on the free plan, it unlocks access to other unique features like live chat support, coupons, drip/content, promotions, custom domain, email marketing suite, and more. And to add to all these already remarkable features, you also get one website admin account, unlimited courses, and students.
  • Pro plan: This plan starts at $79 per month. And you can bring the pricing down even further by opting for the yearly package. Like all the other plans we have explored so far, This plan comes with all the features available on the basic plan. That aside, it also supports two site admins, live lessons, completion certificates, and priority support.

By opting for this plan, you have the opportunity to set your courses to either hidden or private. Not just that, the plan provides access to advanced course-building tools, including prerequisite lessons, a randomized quiz bank, and more.

  • Premier plan: If your main objective is to grow your business, we strongly suggest you get this plan as it is packed with many awesome features. This plan is perfectly suited for creators looking to scale their business to the next level. Besides offering access to all the robust features available on the platform, creators also get exclusive access to white labeling features, unlimited communities, API access, groups, onboarding package, etc.

Note: If you’re looking to pay less for any of these plans, we suggest you opt for the yearly package, which comes with a 20% discount. Another reason you should go this route is that the platform doesn’t charge any transaction fees.


Thinkific vs. LearnWorlds: Pricing

Like Thinkific, LearnWorlds offer different pricing plans you can choose from. So depending on your budget, you’ll definitely find a plan for your budget. Here are all the plans available on LearnWorlds.

  • Starter plan: This plan costs $24 per month. It is the best plan for newbie course creators looking to set up their online course selling business. Some of the features available with this plan include unlimited paid courses, access to a drag-and-drop website builder, a custom domain, and a simple three-page course website. In addition to this, users also get four payment gateways, pop-ups, and a built-in community. Besides getting 24 hours email support, your site is also secured with a powerful SSL certificate at no extra cost.
  • Pro trainer plan: This plan starts at $79 per month and is excellent for professional trainers. While it has all of the features provided on the Starter plan, users also get access to unlimited landing pages, pop-ups, and unlimited courses.

And just like the Starter plan, this package also features a powerful site builder tool and a complementary blog. You also get the chance to offer subscription and membership packages. As if that’s not enough, this plan comes complete with a customizable player, checkout pages, custom certificates, and lots more.

  • Learning Center: Even though this package is a tad expensive, we love that it comes packed with a lot of brilliant features designed to give you an edge. This plan supports bulk user actions, 20 admins/instructors, and a rich white-label option. You also get an interactive video option. This brilliant feature allows you to add titles, video quizzes, watermarks, pointers, and buttons to your courses. Other exciting features that come with this plan include advanced SSO, an onboarding package, and webhooks integration.
  • High Volume and Corporate: For this plan, you have to reach out to LearnWorlds support to get the Quote. To be on the safe side and avoid paying money for something you don’t need, we highly recommend booking a demo session to test if the plan is worth subscribing to. While this plan comes loaded with all the features available on the platform, you get exclusive access to other beautiful features like custom bulk enrollments, additional admin, and a unique corporate academy. The plan also promises 99.5% uptime. More so, your content is hosted on premium cloud servers. To spice things up even further, the platform assigns a dedicated account manager to help you manage your business easily.

Note: Like Thinkific, LearnWorlds offers a 20% discount for annual payments. And for this option, you don’t get to pay transaction fees. While they currently don’t have a free plan, we love that they offer a free trial, an excellent option for people looking to explore Learnworlds services before they sign-up.

Our verdict: We love that both platforms offer affordable and risk-free plans designed to push your business to the next level. And even though LearnWorlds doesn’t have a free plan, their free trial option is great for testing how the platform works. That said, Thinkific goes home with the winner’s medal for this category as they offer a more robust option in terms of available plans. Plus, their free plan option makes them the better choice for people looking for an e-learning platform to start their business without making any upfront investment.

Thinkific vs. LearnWords: Instructor support

When you start out building courses, it’s important you opt for a platform that provides robust customer support.

And to be honest, both Thinkific and LearnWorlds are doing a brilliant job in this regard. But how do they compare? Read on as we break things down further.


Thinkific vs. LearnWords: Instructor support

Thinking has one of the most reliable customer support in this space. Thanks to their well-trained support team, you’ll get proactive assistance for any issues you may be having. All you need to do is reach out to their customer support team via email, and you’ll get the help you need. Also, they have a fast response time, so you won’t spend hours waiting for a response.

In terms of support, you can reach their customer support team via email or phone. For those who need guidance every step of the way, we suggest opting for their phone support.

Customers who signed up for Thinkific’s premium plan have access to live chat support. This option means you’ll get the help you need in real-time.

In addition to their excellent support services, Thinkific also has a knowledge base where creators can access how-to guides and tutorials. More so, the platform also offers first-time creator support via the Thinkific Academy. Here, you’ll find courses to help you start your online course-selling business.


Thinkific vs. LearnWords: Instructor support

Like Thinkific, LearnWorlds offers robust support to its users. And the best part is that you can reach their support via multiple ways. For instance, users on their basic plan can access customer support via email 24 hours daily.

For their higher-priced plans, you get 24/7 priority email support. If you’re new to course creation, you can opt into the LearnWorlds Academy to get some hands-on experience in course creation, marketing, and selling.

If you navigate the platform’s help center, you’ll get access to how-to guides, ebooks, video tutorials, and a checklist to make your job even easier. Just so you know, there are over 400 articles on how to optimize your LearnWorlds school. So feel free to explore this option to push your business to the next level.

Another area where LearnWords trumps other platforms is its rich webinar resource. This option is excellent for people looking for tips to scale their business.

Our verdict: Both Thinkific and LearnWorlds offer remarkable support services to their users right from the get-go. What’s so unique about their support services is their quick response time, and the fact that you can reach their customer support team via multiple options makes things even more interesting.

That said, Thinkific wins this category, and that’s because the platform offers customers the opportunity to contact customer support via email and phone, even for their most basic plan. And for their premium plan, they offer priority live chat support, a feature that isn’t available on LearnWorlds at the moment.

Thinkific vs. LearnWorlds: Course customization and school

To build a unique, beautiful, and appealing online course platform, it’s important you choose a platform that offers you unlimited access to powerful customization features.

Talking about customization, Thinkific and LearnWorlds, have some of the most sophisticated customization tools you’ll ever find on an e-learning platform. Here is how both platforms compare in terms of customization.


Thinkific stands out from other platforms in terms of customization. To start with, the platform has a wide variety of mobile responsive themes and pre-built templates you can choose from.

With these options, you don’t need to build your website from scratch. Not just that, you also get full customization capabilities. This allows you to design your website as you want. From color to themes and more, there is so much you can explore to build a fantastic website.

The best part is that you don’t have to pay to unlock these features. Simply sign up for one of their plans, and you can start building your online course website as you want.

Regarding customization, Thinkific has made the entire process a walk in the park. So you don’t have to be tech-savvy to make improvements to your website. More so, their drag-and-drop website builder makes the entire process super easy.

To create interactive courses, you can start by mixing a blend of content, including videos, images, quizzes, and more.


If you’re looking to build a beautiful course website or professional school, you’ll be happy to explore all of the unique offerings provided by LearnWorlds. With tons of highly optimized templates available, you can set up your online course business within a couple of hours.

Thanks to its interactive course builder, you can seamlessly create dozens of interactive courses. What’s even better is that you can upload your raw course files and allow the platform to sync everything to perfection. To make your courses stand out, LearnWorlds provides you access to interactive elements like PDFs, ebooks, quizzes, and more.

Besides allowing users to create multiple assessments, the platform also provides you with tools to extract transcripts. Using this option, you can capture your student’s attention and improve their overall experience.

Overall, LearnWorlds provide you access to the most powerful customization tools needed to push your business to the next level. From quizzes to live classes to interactive ebooks and more, there are so many customization tools waiting for you to explore.

Our verdict: If you’re looking for a platform that makes customization easy, you won’t go wrong opting for any of these two platforms. But in terms of which platform stands out, LearnWorlds have a slight edge, especially because they have a more powerful course builder tool. Also, their SCORM file support makes them a perfect choice for creators.

Thinkific vs. LearnWorlds: Data analytics

It’s one thing to set up an online course selling business and another to have access to the right data analytics tools. With access to the right data analytics tools, you’ll be able to gauge your performance and know for sure how your business is performing.

Here is how Thinkific and LearnWorlds perform in terms of data analytics tools.


Thinkific does a brilliant job with its data analytics tools. The cool part is that their data analytics tools are easy to use and provide you with all the information you need to assess your business performance.

Using specific filters, you can check the status of your students. Besides providing you access to tools to integrate Google Ads, Facebook, and other marketing functionalities, you also have tons of tools for detailed segment and data exploration.

In addition, Thinkific has robust growth and reporting tools. These tools keep track of everything. This way, you can optimize your business for better results.


This platform has detailed learner analytics. Using this tool, you can monitor your students’ behavior. Not just that, you also get to track their progress and completion.

There is also a conversion tool that helps you track Facebook and Google ads campaigns directly from one dashboard.

Thanks to the detailed report and insight the platform provides, you have access to data you’ll need to optimize and make better business decisions.

Here are some of the stats you can view directly from your dashboard

  • Course insight: This is important for optimizing your eLearning content
  • Advanced user progress: This provides a clearer picture of how your students interact with your content
  • Automated report: This brilliant metric unlocks unlimited possibilities for your business.
  • User segments: This helps to identify patterns of how students use your content

Our verdict: While both platforms perform pretty well in this area, Thinkific wins this one. And the reason is that they have more detailed analytics tools. These tools make it easy to track your business performance.

Thinkific vs. LearnWorlds: Security

The security of the LMS platform you choose to set up your online course business is super important. And guess what? Both Thinkific and LearnWorlds have done a remarkable job securing users’ data and financial transactions. But how do these platforms compare in this regard? Read on as we delve deeper into the security provisions of each platform.


Thinkific vs. LearnWorlds: Security

Thinkific knows the importance of securing users’ data and financial transactions and has done a brilliant job of ensuring its platform is secured. Thanks to providing secured cloud hosting, you’re sure your data is protected 24/7.

Thinkific also regularly initiates automatic backups. With this, you can be rest assured that your data will never be lost.

Besides providing periodic security updates, Thinkific also offers free SSL certificates. This helps provide an extra layer of security for your website and business in general.

To protect users even further, Thinkific has a team of highly experienced security experts who monitor the platform. These guys can act immediately in case of a security breach.


Thinkific vs. LearnWorlds: Security

LearnWorlds doesn’t joke with the security of its platform. Without mincing words, they have one of the most sophisticated security architectures for protecting users’ data and financial security.

When using LearnWorlds, you can be rest assured that your online course business is protected from data loss or file corruption resulting from any updates or isolated databases.

To beef up security, LearnWorlds has password salting and hashing, encrypted data storage, as well as HTTP everywhere. Thanks to all these provisions, you finally have peace of mind knowing that your online course website is protected from any attempted hack or security breach.

Our verdict: In terms of security, both platforms have done a pretty good job of ensuring users’ data and financial records are protected. So we can call it a tie for this category.

Frequently asked questions about Thinkific and LearnWorlds

Is Thinkific expensive?

When signing up for an online course platform, many users focus on the plans offered by each platform. Looking at the plans offered by Thinkific, you’ll agree that their packages aren’t all that expensive, especially when you compare them to what you get on other LMS platforms. And yes, they also have a free package, which is great for users who want to explore how good the platform is for creating and selling online courses.

The most expensive plan on Thinkific right now starts from $399. And seeing some of the features that come with this package, you’ll agree that it isn’t too expensive.

Does LearnWorlds have a free plan?

One of the many downsides of LearnWorlds is that they don’t offer a free plan. This makes them trail platforms like Thinkfic, offering a free plan to their users. While this may be a setback, LearnWorlds has made up for this by providing a free trial for its services. So in case you want to gauge the performance of LearnWorlds before committing to any of their plans, you’re welcome to explore their free plan option.

Who is Thinkific built for?

Thinkific is no doubt one of the leading LMS platforms out there. The platform is particularly designed for people looking for software to create and sell online courses. Unlike Udemy, which charges a commission for every student who signs up for your courses, Thinkific gives you more control over your business and doesn’t charge you any type of fees except the one you pay for their plans.

For every creator looking to set up a thriving online course-selling business, look no further than Thinkific, as they provide you with everything you’ll ever need to scale up your business.

Should I use LearnWorlds for my online course platform?

Still, contemplating whether LearnWorlds is the right platform to host your online course business? Well, looking at all the great features they have for course creation and marketing, there is no doubt that they would make an excellent platform for anyone looking to start their online course selling business. From their special pricing to the sophisticated tools available on the platform, you won’t go wrong to give LearnWorlds a try.

How is course creation on Thinkific?

Thinkific has made course creation pretty straightforward. Uploading your courses on this platform only takes a few minutes, and you don’t have to be tech-savvy to get things right. In addition, their drag-and-drop web builder tool makes building your website insanely easy.

So if you’ve always wanted an LMS platform that makes the entire course creation process a breeze, giving Thinkific a try should be top on your card. And before you commit to any of their plans, we suggest you try their free plan to see what they offer.

Final Thoughts

Both LearnWords and Thinkific have put together some of the most complete LMS platforms we have come across. And to be honest, both platforms are designed to help you set up a successful online course business.

From course creation to providing access to marketing tools and more, Thinkific and LearnWorlds haven’t disappointed their users.

Whether you’re a beginner just starting or have been creating courses for a while, rest assured that any of these platforms will be perfect for your business. And yes, both platforms offer competitive pricing for their packages.

The cool part is both platforms offer a free package to get you started. While Thinkific has a free plan, LearnWorlds has a free trial you can explore. We suggest you take advantage of these options before you commit to any of their paid packages.

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